
Issue 39:4 | December 2019 | Food Bowl
Food Bowl
Issue 39:4 | December 2019
Issue 26:3 | September 2006 | Currents II
Currents II
Issue 26:3 | September 2006


Fair Share Fare: Recipe for Disaster

In 1906 Alfred Henry Lewis famously stated in Cosmopolitan that “there are only nine meals between mankind and anarchy.” Food has the capacity to bring us together. It is familiar, relational and cultural. But in times of conflict and scarcity, food also can be the trigger for chaos and social disruption. In a world with increasing and unprecedented ecological degradation and economic inequality in the distribution of resources, future food security is a global concern and a food fight to avoid. We are distracted, choking and bloated on choice and misinformation when it comes to food and health (our own and that of the planet). 

Eat the problem: MONA's carnivalesque of cuisine

When art meets food, their offspring are often surreal. One need only look back to the ubiquitous presence in kitchens world-wide of reproductions of Giuseppe Arcimboldo’s fruity portraits or René Magritte’s iconic green apple to find triggers for this impulse.

The relationship between food and art has long dominated the world of painting, photography, literature and cinema in an often-noxious pairing of gratuitous ingestion and aesthetics, most notably in Marco Ferreri’s The Grande Bouffe (1975) and Peter Greenaway’s The Cook, The Thief, The Wife and His Lover (1989).

Shared food conversations: Jason Phu and Nagesh Seethiah

In conversation with Sabrina Baker

In recent years, I have worked alongside Jason Phu on a number of projects, notably My Parents Met at the Fish Market commissioned for West Space in 2017. This professional relationship became a friendship, with Jason often staying with my partner and chef Nagesh Seethiah and I on his frequent trips to Melbourne. Almost every visit would become a conversation over dinner about life, politics, family, careers, love and of course food. These are also recurring topics in Jason’s art practice.

Currents II
People involved in the arts and education might have difficulty recognising the Australia that the Treasurer has been talking up recently: the one with the record 4% low unemployment. But the Treasurers spin fails to mention that to be counted as employed you only have to work one hour per week, which bears out the reality of a life in the arts.
ex de Medici: Symbols of Mortality
ex de Medicis self-named approach to her practice  Dogs Breakfastism  signals an idiosyncratic working method that has seen her embrace photocopy, sound, performance, photography and drawing across a three-decade career. Kelly Gellatly looks at the multifaceted creative occupations of de Medici as both a visual and tattoo artist and the inherent connection she makes in and between these two practices. This text looks at two of de Medicis most prominent series - Gals n Guns and Spectre - through which she explores pressing issues such as global capitalism, corporatisation, materialism and the ongoing war on nature.
Yvonne Boag: Mapping Place, Memory and Conversations
Yvonne Boag is a traveller, a wanderer and keen surveyor of her surroundings. Her concerns of language and place traverse a myriad of media such as paintings, prints and drawings in a career spanning three decades. As Boag commented in 1989 With every new work I start, it seems I am always at a beginning. Each work is an attempt to hold on to time. To make marks of that time, which will trace a pattern through my life& Through this text Donna Brett looks at Boags journeys to places such as Korea, Paris and the Lockhart River and her use of iconography and dense layering as a means of mapping her interaction with places, journeys and people. Some artistic influences here discussed include the works of Roger Hilton, William Scott, Ben Nicholson, Patrick Heron and Avis Newman. The Lockhart River, Urban Landscape and Conversations series are referred to in considerable detail.
Heather Ellyard: Inventories and Commentaries
Heather Ellyards valued objects are static, symbolic, juxtaposed rather than flowing. Ellyard asserts that she wants to speak the lyrics and sorrows of our time. As she has said, I am interested in the glimpses, held, remembered, aligned inclusively&I am interested in awareness and how to acknowledge it within a visual framework. It may be that Ellyards vision of the periodical table is a bridge: between life made up of many little things and the one big thing toward which we all yearn. She leans more to wisdom art than to the mimetic or the sublime. Ellyards art is incorrigibly plural, and sustainedly committed to the broadest kind of human vision. Textual references include the works of D.W. Winnicott, Jacob Rosenberg, Arthur Koestler, Basquiat, Brett Whiteley and Primo Levi amongst others.
Robert Owen: A Different Kind of Modern
Robert Owens longstanding interest in exploring dimensions of light and space beyond the merely visual reaches back into an important line of constructivist art of the early twentieth century. Experiments with form and material have characterised Owens practice throughout his career, as has his openness to heterogeneous influences. Some of the major influences on Owens practice include metaphysical philosophy, Buddhist spirituality, optics, geometry in physics, minimalist sculpture and the work of Marcel Duchamp. This article refers to the works of Naum Gabo, De Stijl, Russian Constructivism, Bauhaus, Lynden Dadswell, Walter Gropius, Chairman Clift, George Johnston, Leonard Cohen, Jack Hirshman, Jean-François Lyotard, Charles Biederman, David Bohm and Stephen Hyde.
Becalmed: The Art of Going Nowhere in the Work of Nicholas Folland
Becalmed: the art of going nowhere in the work of Nicholas Folland
Sara Hughes: The Big Stick Up
The symbolic and perpetual possibilities of pattern are constantly under interrogation in the work of Sara Hughes as she is compelled to inhabit the capricious edges of what painting might be. Being a child of her times, Hughes was part of the sticker generation who adorned the unsuspecting surfaces of schoolbooks, bedroom walls, wardrobes, mirrors and fridges. She applies similar processes to her work as a means of mimicking the act of making something ones own and thus reinforces the claiming and transforming of spatial environments. This article follows Hughes practice through the visitation of childhood moments while simultaneously offering a platform for new conversations about spatial interplays and the shifting dialogues between surface and form, codes and perception and graphic modes and painterly references. Some of Hughes' primary influences include William Gibsons 2003 novel Pattern Recognition and the works of Yayoi Kusama, Takashi Murakami, Yoshinori Tanaka and Sergio Leone.
Renate Nisi: Sculpture of the Senses
Renate Nisi is obsessed by being packaged in a body, that condition common to humans, other animals, plants and even microbes. Growing up in Germany, where 'art had epic qualities', she flirted with the Sublime and the Romantic but converted to Expressionism 'with the figure as central motif.' A further shift has occurred since then, towards minimalism and three-dimensionality, 'away from the sovereignty of forms onto the relational qualities of environments.'
Indigenous Art of the Kimberley > Warmun Arts: The Unfolding Stories
This January, in the startlingly beautiful country of the Warmun Community, rained in by a particularly intense wet season, art matriarch and grandmother of eighteen, Mabel Juli, sat on the veranda of the Ngalangpum School looking through some of the old paintings which comprise the Warmun Community Collection.
Indigenous Art of the Kimberley > New Energy: Mananambarra
On the white walls of the gallery the large paintings of Wandjina by senior Kimberley artist Omborrin beam forth filling the room with the radiance of his beloved Kimberley homelands.
Noel Sheridan
Noel Sheridan 1936 - 2006
Bronwyn Oliver
Bronwyn Oliver 22.2.59 - 10.7.06
Peter Townsend
Peter Townsend 1940-2006
Twenty: Sherman Galleries 1986-2006

Twenty: Sherman Galleries 1986-2006 Laura Murray Cree (ed) Craftsman House ISBN 0 9757684 1 7 RRP $95

Biennale of Sydney 2006
Art Gallery of NSW, Museum of Contemporary Art, Pier 2/3 and 14 other venues in and around Sydney 8 June  27 August 2006
Tracey Clement: Border Zones
Groundfloor Gallery, Balmain SafARI, Pelt, Chippendale Sculpture, installation, jewellery 14 June - 1 July 2006
Deluxe: decorous crossover between art and design
Plimsoll Gallery, University of Tasmania Hobart 6 - 26 May 2006
d&k we see a darkness
spectrum project space, Perth 25 March 13 April 2006
Terra Incognita
Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces Melbourne 26 May 24 June 2006
Bloom: Anna Hughes, Lisa Harms & Kaylie Weir
Queens Theatre Adelaide 29 April 21 May 2006
Office 6000
Level 2/16 Milligan Street, Perth, 27 - 31 March 2006
Reflections in a Golden Eye
James Lynch. Sean Meilak. Viv Miller. Jonathan Nichols. Lisa Radford. Michelle Ussher Curated by Jan Duffy and Kate Barber Linden - St Kilda Centre for Contemporary Arts 8 July - 13 August 2006
Michael Schlitz prints
Dick Bett Gallery Hobart 9 June - 4 July 2006
et al: the second of the ordinary practices
The second of the ordinary practices et al Institute of Modern Art Brisbane 10 June - 22 July
Mike Stubbs: Burnt
Experimental Art Foundation Adelaide 21 April  20 May 2006
Kim Demuth: Signs of Life
Jan Manton Art, Brisbane 23 June - 15 July 2006
Confluence: Palimpsest
Murray Bridge Regional Gallery 24 July 31 August 2006
Faites Vos Jeux: Aesthetics and Dis/Order in Kennett's Victoria
Explores the idea that basic qualitative aesthetic lifestyle values in Australia are by no means neutral but highly coloured by political judgements. The mood and style of the governance of Victoria can be read as an issue of taste and lifestyle as well as political ability/responsibility.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Editorial for the edition on Food Consumption and Pleasure. Summarises the treats which lie in store for the reader of the issue, linking the disparate approaches of the various writers .
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Pictures on Plates
Divided into subheadings 'The Parsley Garnish' 'La Nouvelle Cuisine' 'Transgressions' the author explores the role of food and decoration -- pictures on plates -- in Australian (and wider) cuisine from the 1950s through to the 1990s. Refers to Marinetti's The Futurist Cookbook of 1932. Examines photographs of food and the paradox of indulgence and self denial.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Mediterranean Paradise: artists and the kitchen: David Strachan and John Olsen
Examination of the work of David Strachan and John Olsen from the 1950s in Europe to Australia in the 1980s and the pleasures of painting and food. Linking of painting with the recipes and philosophies of Elizabeth David.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Breadline: Women and Food
Since the advent of 1970s feminism, the joining of women food and art has been about mixing a metaphoric concoction of consciousness raising, community and corporeality. Looks at women's art movement practice in South Australia
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Examines the relationship between food, cookbooks and the art of illustration. Cooking however elaborate is always about the assuaging of hunger but.....Looks at Elizabeth David's 'Italian Food' published in 1954 and illustrated by Renato Guttoso. John Minton had illustrated David's earlier books.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Bush Tucker: Some Food for Thought
Bush tucker (food and medicinal purposes) for indigenous communities is looked at in terms of commercial opportunities with traditional knowledge finding application in contemporary contexts. Examines the role of aboriginal people in scientific research and subsequent commercial exploitation. Also looks at issues of Aboriginal intellectual property.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Honey: It's Meaning in Aboriginal Art
Across the far north of Australia, honey is enshrined at the centre of life's meaning as a nourishing and creative presence in a landscape derived from the Ancestral Beings themselves. Looks at the visual representations of honey for the Dhuwa and Yirritja people. Discusses the creation myths and their contemporary expressions in bark paintings and sculptures.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Nostalgia, Nation and Gobstuff
Linking of food and memory == elements of nostalgia for other times and places. Proust and James Joyce and the role of food in their writing and the centrality of place or locality in food. The 'authentic' and the 'other' have been amalgamated.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Greek as a Souvlaki
Musings on seeds, weeds and the author's mother's cooking. An exploration of Greek food, issues of multiculturalism and history. Touches on genetically modified food and colonisation.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Fast Food: Don't spoil your appetite
Art and its relation to the museum may be seen in terms of the analogy of food passing along the intestinal tract. Looks at exhibitions like EAT 1998. Food is one kind of culture that is always in demand. Why not give the public what it wants. Eating in art galleries may break down the barriers of art as an exclusive kind of experience,
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
An Gotta Mor: A Sculpture for the Irish Famine
In 1999 The Australian Monument to the Great Irish Famine at Hyde Park Barracks was unveiled. Designed by Hossein and Angelea Valamanesh, it commemorates the arrival in Australia of young women many of whom were orphaned by the great hunger. National competition within the constraints of the Francis Greenway building and historic precincts.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Force-Fed: Food in the Art of Destiny Deacon.
Discusses 'Home Video' made in 1987, 'Welcome to my Koori World' (1992) and 'I don't want to be a Bludger' (1999). Food in these videos is the bearer of sly innuendo, misguided intentions, complicated emotions. In these invented worlds food is either inedible, unnourishing or unavailable or a lurid torrent of junk food.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Homemade: The Rosalind Brodsky Cookery Show
Looks at the CD Rom by Suzanne Treister 'No other symptoms - Time Travelling with Rosalind Brodsky'. There are two cooking segments on the CD. The cooking demonstrations are imbued with historical and cultural pain and prejudice.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
My Millennium Dome: Domes Tripe and Teacups in the art of Donna Marcus
Donna Marcus series of Millennium Domes imagine the everyday aesthetic practices of living in houses and with objects in terms inflected by processess of memory, dream and the imagination. Reference to the geodesic domes of Buckminster Fuller organic materials and recycling.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Nariphon: How to eat a bowl of noodles
Examines the series of paintings Nariphon I-III by Phaptawan Suwannakudt which deal with issues of change and consumption, absorption of multicultural practices into dominant cultures -- Prostitution (girl fruit) and survival in Thailand. Her work blurs the distinctions between meditation and revolution (east and west) and between tradition and modernity.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Recipes: Writers and Artists Share their Favourites
Recipes put forward by the artists in this issue for all sorts of delectable and interesting dishes - some real and some not so real. Includes recipes of John Olsen, Daniel Thomas, Anders Ousback, Gay Bilson, Juliana Engberg, Phaptawan Suwannakudt, Kajri Jain, Yao Souchou, Rosalind Brodsky, Anne Graham, Jennifer Isaacs, Gwyn Hanssen Pigott, Nikos, Brigitta Olubas, Freda Freiberg, Hetti Perkins and Destiny Deacon.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Art + Food = Lucio
Review of the book 'The art of food at Lucio's' by Lucio Galletto and Timothy Fisher, introduction by Leo Schofield. Foreword by Robert Hughes Craftsman House 1999 Sydney RRP $65.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Set Menus
Book Review Reel Meals, Set Meals: Food in Film and Theatre by Gaye Poole, Currency Press Sydney 1999 Links the consumption of food with the consumption of culture.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Designing the Hot Potato: Food, Design and Culture
Book Review Food: Design and culture Edited by Claire Catteral London; Lawrence King Publishing in association with Glasgow 1999 Festival Company
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Craft and Contemporary Social Ritual: Eating and Drinking
Book Review Craft and contemporary Social Ritual: Eating and Drinking Craft Victoria Melbourne 1999 $35 "Discussion about craft has moved apace and this publication proves it."
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Rosalie Gascoigne AM
Obituary for Rosalie Gascoigne AM Born Auckland 25 January 1917 Died Canberra 23 October 1999
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
John Davis
Obituary for John Davis Born 16 September 1936 Died 17 October 1999
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Wladyslaw Dutkiewicz
Obituary Wladyslaw Dutkiewicz Born Lwow Poland 21 February 1918 Died Adelaide 2 October 1999
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Antony Hamilton: Mythology of Landscape
Survey exhibition, Art Gallery of South Australia 3 September  7 November 1999
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Twenty Five Years and Beyond: Papunya Tula Painting
Curated by Doreen Mellor and Vincent Megaw Flinders University Art Museum City Gallery, Adelaide 4 September - 17 October 1999 Flinders Art Museum Campus Gallery 6 September - 22 December 1999.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Body of Language: Roseanne Bartley
Craft Victoria Melbourne 5  28 August 1999
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
One Sculptural Furniture
Annette Cock, Yvette Dumergue, Kathy Fox Stairwell Gallery, The Public Office, Melbourne
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Messengers from the West
A video-art project by Mayza Hamdan, Joanne Saad and Marian Abboud Artistic Director: Vahid Vahed Artspace 30 Sept - 23 October
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
What John Berger Saw:
Robert Boynes, Susan Fereday, Elizabeth Gertsakis, Dean Golja, Paul Hoban, John Hughes, Tim Johnson, Peter Kennedy, Peter Lyssiotis, Polixeni Papapetrou, Gregory Pryer, Anne Zahalka, Constance Zikos, The exhibition features a collaborative work by John Berger and UK artist John Christie. Canberra School of Art Gallery 10 September - 6 November 1999 Australian Tour 2000-2001
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Remembering Chinese: Gregory Kwok-Keung Leong
University Gallery, Launceston 5 - 27 August 1999 Craft Victoria 30 Sept - 30 Oct Burnie Regional Art Gallery 13 Dec - 1 Jan
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
John Vella, Neil Haddon and Phillip Watkins Curated by David Hansen CAST Gallery, North Hobart 9 July - 1 August1999
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Robert Juniper
The Art Gallery of Western Australia 11 September - 21 November
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Brenda L. Croft, Destiny Deacon & Glen Hughes
Brenda L Croft:In My Father's House Destiny Deacon:Postcards from Mummy Glen Hughes:One Family: Perth Institute of Contemporary Art 12 August - 12 September 1999
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
The Third Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art
Queensland Art Gallery 9 September - 26 January
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
History and Memory in the art of Gordon Bennett
Brisbane City Gallery; July 29 - Sept 4, 1999 Ikon Gallery, Birmingham: Nov 20, 1999 - Jan 23 2000 Arnolfini Galleries, Bristol: Jan 29 - March 12, 2000 Henie Onstad Gallery, Oslo: April 9 - June 12, 2000
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure