Future Issues

Artlink publishes three thematic magazines (in print and digital formats) each year which are responsive to current art world topics and big ideas.

Issue 44:2 | Wirltuti / Spring (August–November 2024)

Artlink’s Regional writers look at recent contemporary art developments outside major urban centres as populations gently shift outwards in the wake of the pandemic and the rising costs of city living. Articles are drawn from all six states and the Northern Territory, alongside features on collaborative digital programs which involve creative producers in the Asia-Pacific and regional Australia. Our writers are artists, curators, gallery directors, activists and critics who build their art-lives and livelihoods across disciplines and geographies, navigating between ‘centres’ and ‘peripheries’—however those terms are interpreted in 2024.

Issue 44:3 Warltati / Summer (December 2024–March 2025)

Twenty years ago, Artlink’s Hybrid World, issue 24:4, reflected on the rise of hybrid practices, a consequence of a growing global network of artists. Today, three collaborating first-time editors invite other ‘emerging’ writers, artists and curators to consider hybridity in relation to the future of arts spaces and systems. As we decentre binary and monocultural paradigms, arts workers still find themselves within rigid institutional structures. What support networks can we cultivate in spite of this? And how do we situate ourselves between optimism and pessimism in the face of a tide of injustice that sometimes feels unstoppable and inevitable?

Cementa AMaGA NAVA Unley Museum