
Hannah Fink

Hannah Fink is a Sydney author and editor and is writing a book about the Australian artist Rosalie Gascoigne


Light Years: William Robinson and the Creation Story
Art for William Robinson has always been an intensely personal exercise, from the early domestic interiors, suffused with love for his family, to the hard-won intimacy of his relationship with the wilderness in which he now lives. Yet the animating principle of his work in its ever changing fashion is its expression of faith. Robinsons landscape is unquestionably a God-revealed world; what is in question is the relation of man to that universe. As much as Robinson's art is a faithful reflection of his immediate environment, it is drawn from the memory of an experience in a landscape.
Best Practice: Export Quality
Recipes: Writers and Artists Share their Favourites
Recipes put forward by the artists in this issue for all sorts of delectable and interesting dishes - some real and some not so real. Includes recipes of John Olsen, Daniel Thomas, Anders Ousback, Gay Bilson, Juliana Engberg, Phaptawan Suwannakudt, Kajri Jain, Yao Souchou, Rosalind Brodsky, Anne Graham, Jennifer Isaacs, Gwyn Hanssen Pigott, Nikos, Brigitta Olubas, Freda Freiberg, Hetti Perkins and Destiny Deacon.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Editorial for the edition on Food Consumption and Pleasure. Summarises the treats which lie in store for the reader of the issue, linking the disparate approaches of the various writers .
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Riddoch NAVA Unley Museum