
Virginia Fraser


City Provoked: These Questions and More....
RMIT project 'City Provoked' asked questions about the nature of public art emphasising 'new genre public art' - flexibility and responsiveness, specificity and topicality, innovation, challenge, engagement, unregulated encounter. collaboration, temporality and process rather than closure.
Public Art in Australia
Force-Fed: Food in the Art of Destiny Deacon.
Discusses 'Home Video' made in 1987, 'Welcome to my Koori World' (1992) and 'I don't want to be a Bludger' (1999). Food in these videos is the bearer of sly innuendo, misguided intentions, complicated emotions. In these invented worlds food is either inedible, unnourishing or unavailable or a lurid torrent of junk food.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
NAVA Riddoch Unley Museum Cementa AMaGA