
John Neylon

John Neylon is an Adelaide-based independent writer and curator who writes regularly for the Adelaide Review


Parody, audacity and convention: A readable saga
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We regret to inform you: Ideas on Ice
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Coast Watch
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View from the Battlements
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Picking Up the Pieces
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Going from Here: Porter Street and Beyond
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Art to the Provinces
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Smart Strategy for Art Education
The marketing of senior secondary art achievement in South Australia, which has seen a rise in popularity in Year 12 art exhibitions, cannot be taken as proof of the depth and sustainability of visual art education in schools across all levels.
Adelaide and Beyond
South Australia Illustrated: Colonial painting in the Land of Promise
Curator: Jane Hylton Art Gallery of South Australia 2 June – 5 August 2012
Milestones: Ken Orchard 1980-2009
Milestones: Ken Orchard 1980-2009 Red Poles Gallery, McLaren Vale, South Australia 29 August – 27 September 2009
Changing Climates in Arts Publishing
Handle with care
Curator: Felicity Fenner Art Gallery of South Australia 1 March - 4 May 2008
Art Mind Beauty
Wonderful World
Curator: Erica Green 12 October  7 December 2007 Anne & Gordon Samstag Museum of Art
Fuel for Thought
Here Come the Jets
Current trends in image reproduction, addressed through the introduction of giclee technology and industry. Neylon deals with issues of prints authenticity and some of the controversial debates surfacing within Australias art community.
Towards the Light: The story of One New Age Gallery's Quest for Purpose and Relevance in a Changing World
On 23 October 2002, yet another Council of Australian Museums Associations (CAMA) ran down. Conferees were already half deep in thought about melting credit cards and distant work site desks stacked high with urgent files. Well Not exactly CAMA...
Museums on the Edge
Anne Newmarch - Superimpositions
Exhibition review Superimposition Ann Newmarch Prospect Gallery Adelaide South Australia 23 February - 22 March 1992
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Come Again: Aldo Lacobelli
Exhibition review Souvenirs Aldo Iacobelli Experimental Art Foundation South Australia 22 October - 15 November 1992
Film & Video
Contemporary Aboriginal Art - Flinders University Art Museum
Exhibition review Looking Towards the Future: Contemporary Aboriginal Art Flinders University Art Museum South Australia 13 May - 24 June 1994
Sydney: The Big Shift
Images of Death 600,000 HOURS (Mortality) Experimental Art Foundation
Images of death explored in the context of the exhibition 600,000 hours (mortality) held at the Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide South Australia October 1994.
Art & Death: Facing Mortality
600,000 HOURS (Mortality) Conference Day 21 October 2, 1994
Examination of the issues addressed at the conference which accompanied the exhibition 600,000 hours (mortality).
Art & Death: Facing Mortality
Artifice and the Eye
Exhibition review Rob Gutteridge A Few Moments of Gravity Greenhill Galleries, Adelaide SA 23 April - 11 May 1995
The Face
I couldnÕt do my homework: the cat ate my mouse
The role of computers in the education of young people looking at examples from student in schools in South Australia.
Art in the Electronic Landscape
Funk Junk
Exhibition review Junk Bonds New Land Gallery, Port Adelaide South Australia Touring South Australia and interstate with Visions of Australia 28 June - 28 July 1996.
Indigenous Arts of the Pacific
Wladyslaw Dutkiewicz
Obituary Wladyslaw Dutkiewicz Born Lwow Poland 21 February 1918 Died Adelaide 2 October 1999
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Ian Chandler
Greenaway Gallery 28 April - 23 May 1999
NAVA Unley Museum Riddoch