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Shihoko Iida
Stephanie Radok
Thelma John
Virginia Fraser

Art & Surveillance
Issue 31:3 | September 2011

Jon Cattapan: Night vision goggles
Jon Cattapan is a painter who lives in Melbourne. In 2008 he was commissioned by the Australian War memorial as an official artist auspiced by the Australian Army in Timor Leste. He is represented by Milani Gallery and KALLIMANRAWLINS.

Contemporary Chinese Art
Christen Cornell manages Local Consumption Publications and 'Artspace China' a blog on contemporary Chinese culture. Currently undertaking a PhD at the University of Sydney on China's contemporary art districts her article outlines the very latest developments in this volatile field.

Surreptitious Pictures
Professor of Art History at Victoria University, Wellington, NZ and author of 'Photography Degree Zero' Geoffrey Batchen writes about the secret history of secret cameras.

Clinical and critical: From Von Trier to Haneke
Legendary film critic Adrian Martin examines the inclusion of low tech digital footage in many recent films including the 'Paranormal Activity' horror-thrillers by Oren Peli and 'The Video Diary of Ricardo Lopez' by Sami Saif.