Blak Insights
Queensland Art Gallery 3 July - 30 October 2004
Jacky Redgate: Survey 1980-2003 [Three Exhibitions]
III, V, VI of Contemporary Art Projects SA 2004 Contemporary Art Centre of South Australia Curator, Alan Cruickshank 23 April - 23 August 2004
Sue Richter. On Colour: Whiteblack Red
24HRArt, Darwin 9 July - 7 August 2004 Araleun Arts Centre, Alice Springs 3 April - 9 May 2004
Ken Searle: Papunya: Paintings and Drawings
Watters Gallery, Sydney 25 May - 19 June 2004
Su Baker: Serious Pleasure
John Curtin Gallery, Perth 25 June - 8 August 2004
Three Colours: Gordon Bennett and Peter Robinson
Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne 8 April - 4 July Travelling to Victoria, Tasmanaia, Queensland, NZ July 2004 - July 2006
Barking Up the Wrong Tree
Carnegie Gallery, Hobart 10 June - 4 July 2004 Curators: Stephen Mori, Felicity Wade & Raquel Ormella
Octopus 5
Raafat Ishak, Horst Kiechle, Kaji Ryui, Grant Stevens. Curator: Nicholas Chambers Gertrude Street Contemporary Art Spaces 9 July - 21 August 2004
Sandy Edwards: Indelible
Stills Gallery, Sydney 17 March - 17 April
Philip Wolfhagen
The Inner Edge Academy Gallery, University of Tasmania, Inveresk 14 June - 9 July 2004
Brad Nunn: Machine Gun Walker
Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane 30 April - 29 May 2004
Fabrics of Change: Trading Identities
Flinders University Art Museum 18 June - 1 August 2004
Peter Timms' 'What's wrong with contemporary art'

Blak Insights Queensland Art Gallery 3 July - 30 October 2004

Whyalla Art Prize
Growing up the visual culture
The tyranny of paradise or ... On being an emerging artist in Darwin
Emerging Artists
Art about farming, farming as an art
The daily experience of tending a tract of land in the south-east of South Australia is the raw material of artist–farmer James Darling. The land which comprises Duck Island is watercourse country where sand, water, salt and native vegetation are the elements from which, over decades of passionate attention, he and his partner Lesley Forwood have developed a farm which includes a special salt-tolerant grass for their cattle. His exhibition, Define the Country, at Riddoch Art Gallery in Mount Gambier is a response to this farmed landscape.
Cultivated anatomy: Fiona Hall's Garden of Earthly Delights
The food chain starts here: Larrtha’puy, from the mangroves
Ann Newmarch: Ripples in the Global Pond
Ann Newmarch Retrospective 'The Personal is Political' curated by Julie Robinson was shown at the Art Gallery of SA in 1997. Lippard puts Newmarch's work into a global context.
Emerging Artists
Quandong Country
Editorial for the issue 'Emerging Artists' (Vol 17 #4). The term 'emerging artist' is a red herring of a funding category in suggesting that the needs of emerging artists are so different from those of emerged artists. Like overnight sensations in film or theatre, emerging visual artists may be many years in the gestation.
Emerging Artists
Over, Under, Sideways, Down
Brett Jones, artist and administrator of artist run space West Space, which is located at 42 Albert St Footscray in Melbourne examines some preconceptions about emerging artists. Includes the works of June Furness and Steven Cox.
Emerging Artists
Emerging Artists: A New Funding for (old) Initiatives
The most recent category of artist to register on the present Government's scale of priorities is that of 'emerging'.
Emerging Artists
Struggling to be Seen
Looks at two exhibitions 'Perspecta 1997: Between Art and Nature' at the Art Gallery of New South Wales curated by Victoria Lynn and 'Primavera: The Belinda Jackson Exhibition of Young Artists' curated by Rea at the Museum of Contemporary Art, in the context of assisting young and emerging artists.
Emerging Artists
You be the Chorus: Rites of Passage in a Virtual Art World
Imagine art without gatekeepers - no curators, no reviewers, no bureaurcrats. Emerging artists would no longer kowtow to the standards of a few curators in order to have their work seen. Audiences would no longer depend on the tastes of a select group of critics to determine which exhibition they should visit....the prospect of a transparent art world is in fact a mere extrapolation of current trends.
Emerging Artists
Portrait of the Writer as a Young Artist
1. He has faith in his ability to lie. 2. He writes with generosity. 3. He creates new possibilities for existence. 4. He writes out of necessity.
Emerging Artists
Changing Cultures and Glittering Prizes
Examines the culture of art prizes, scholarships and patronage in terms of support for younger artists. Looks at the work of artists Megan Walch, Sue Saxon and Michele Beevors.
Emerging Artists
Gallery Dunce: The Skills to Pay the Bills
Gallery Dunce in Tasmania was born out of a group of ex-art school students' unanimous frustration with the lack of facilities for emerging/experimental artists. Looks at the work of Kim Kerze.
Emerging Artists
Threadbare With Flare in the 90s
In July 1997, the Queensland Government launched its youth arts policy 'Your Culture-- Your Move' which targets the development of cultural activities and artistic practice for young people and emerging artists.
Emerging Artists
Formalism Reinvested: Some Emerging Sydney Artists
Sydney's artist run spaces have long played a role in nurturing new contemporary practices, allowing artists the relative freedom to experiment outside the pressures of commercial or institutional constraints, and providing a critical edge for emerging artists to cut their professional teeth. Emerging artists Mark Hislop, Alex Gawronski and My Lee Thi are here referred to.
Emerging Artists
Studio/Space: Grey Area Art Space Inc.
Grey Area Art Space Inc in Melbourne Victoria, started as a studio at the beginning of 1996. A group of young idealistic artists decided to set up a studio to sustain the artistic relationships that had developed at art school.
Emerging Artists
Talk Artists Initiative
Set up in March 1997, Talk Artists Initiative is an artist run space in Melbourne Victoria "whose external structure was no longer the institution but the city, operating within a community of like minded activities in Melbourne." Talk Artists Initiative was set up by Jonathan Luker, Jenniffer Mills, Penelope Davis and Sandra Bridie and includes other VCA students Peter Lambropoulos, Angela Bailey, Caroline Dew, James Morrison and Maxine Addinsall.
Emerging Artists
Counter Culture - Emerging Cultural Fusion @ < Project >
< Project > in its current physical form as a regional arts centre profiles emerging curators, artists, administrators and writers. Currently based in Wollongong which is located 40 minutes drive south of Sydney, it has a cultural energy that surfaces from the fusion of over 80 identified ethnic groups.
Emerging Artists
Watt Space?
Watt Space, the University of Newcastle Students' Art Gallery is a student initiative gallery whose role is to provide successive students with opportunities and experience in exhibiting, curating and gallery management.
Emerging Artists
Artist-run Intitiatives in Perth
An overview of the various artist's spaces which have been established at different times: Gotham Studios, 6A.N.I.C.A. Gallery and Studios, Jacksue Gallery/Pad Studio, Verge Gallery and Studios, Spiral Studios, PICA, The Terminal and more. Includes black and white photographs of the studios and galleries.
Emerging Artists
1st floor
Opening in April 1994, Ist floor is an artists and writers run gallery space in Fitzroy Victoria. Lists the constituency, administration, funding, programming, documentation, influences and objectives.
Emerging Artists
Art On-line: Inciting Hypertension
Expression through technology creates another art world. Art which exists uniquely in bits and bytes in virtual space. Lists various web addresses www.
Emerging Artists
Storming the Interface: Mindvirus, I/O/D and Deceptive Interaction
As a handful of emerging electronic artists see it, the dis-articulation of this interface and the 'smart cufflinked control' imposed by its visual economy is where interactivity becomes conversation. They are concerned not so much with presenting their work in the electronic writing space as with drawing our attention to the interaction itself.... Lists web sites
Emerging Artists
Zone Gallery
Zone Gallery was established in 1986 to provide Adelaide with an artist run co-operative gallery and an affordable exhibition space.
Emerging Artists
Finding a Place
"I chose to be the artist in residence at the Royal Melbourne Hospital for personal as well as professional reasons...". Gilbee here shares her experiences as an emerging artist, the potentials and limitations which come hand in hand with being a self-employed practitioner and her journey into the communal space of the Royal Melbourne Hospital.
Emerging Artists
Down in the Platform
Platform Spencer St Subway Platform2 Degraves St Sydney. Using such an extremely public venue is only one of the challenges which faces artists using the Platform spaces. The whole dynamic for viewing the work: an audience which is often on the move....
Emerging Artists
All about Empire
Empire Studios is a production group, collectively dedicated to taking art to the community, making work in electronic media more accessible, and presenting that work with a fresh approach. Located in Hobart Tasmania.
Emerging Artists
Going Public...Doin' it in the Street
Exhibiting or working in the public space provides opportunities and challenges for emerging artists not available in the gallery system. This article outlines Malone's personal understandings of the three distinct aspects of public space art activity: I Exhibiting in the Public Space, II Public Artwork and III Design of the Public Space. Public art and design contribute to making art more visible in the community and broaden the definition of art practice.
Emerging Artists
Emerging from What?
Examines the concept of 'emerging artists' in the visual arts practice of the Northern Territory. Features the works of Peter Adsett, Jacki Fleet, Pam Lofts, Rod Moss and Janette Lucas.
Emerging Artists
Boomalli Emerging Artists
Looks at the work of three new artists working within the Boomalli Artist's Co-operative. Leonie Dennis, Shirley Amos and Cedric Talbot. Includes statements by the artists.
Emerging Artists
Between Heaven and Earth
Looks at the work of Samantha Lau, Megan Jones and Josie Bri-Haines. These works take us away from the populated cityscapes to other lands, other planets and in some senses to a state of rest. Their premise is our worship of the sun, planets and stars.
Emerging Artists
Psycho-Troppo - Unidentifiable Artists in Townsville North Queensland
Setting the scene for interpretation of emerging art practice in the north involves thinking about what it is to be in geographical isolation from the major urban centres in Australia, a combined sense of alienation and freedom. Discussesartists Gavin Condren, Tania Whitbread, Andrew Kelman, Roxanne Grant and Trisha Mason.
Emerging Artists
New Talent
In April 1997, the Mad Love Gallery hosted an exhibition curated by Micah Hamdorf. 'Premature Ejaculation' showcased 10 emerging male artists whose work relates to issues surrounding dysfunction. 'Popcorn' at the Contemporary Art Centre SA showcased 8 recent graduates from the SA School of Art. Plus other exhibitions.
Emerging Artists
From First Canvas to National Collections in Three Years
The story of senior women from the remote community of Kintore Northern Territory, who after just three years became Central Australia's most sought-after artists.
Emerging Artists
Emerging artists in Canberra: Carving Places
The past 10 years in Canberra have seen a strong and focussed development of facilities which offer support to emerging artists.
Emerging Artists
Shooting Stars - Brigitte Braun's Artplace
Artplace is exlusively committed to Western Australian artists. The work of emerging artists is shown side by side with that of prominent artists in regular changing mixed exhibitions...Artplace shows aboriginal art as part of contemporary WA art and the gallery has a strong emphasis on giving talented artists their first solo show.
Emerging Artists
Two Moods of Suburbia: Justene Williams and Tony Schwensen
The work of Justene Williams and Tony Schwensen. William's photographs are taken spontaneously, and sometimes surreptitiously, with disposable cameras. Schwensen's installations combine paintings and sculptures to embody an idea of suburbia.
Emerging Artists
Plastic Newcastle - The Epicentre of Denial
Newcastle is already a post-industrial city and talk of culture as the defining feature of the coming economic profile of the city sustains an older myth. That is, that industrial and mining cities did not support high culture....
Emerging Artists
Katie Moore: Huff
Exhibition review Katie Moore 'Huff' Contemporary Art Centre Adelaide SA
Emerging Artists
Ricky Swallow: The Lighter Side of the Dark Side
Exhibition review Ricky Swallow: The Lighter Side of the Dark Side Grey Area, Melbourne
Emerging Artists
Zoe Sweeney: Subsist - A Cosseted Environment
Exhibition review Zoe Sweeney: Subsist - A Cosseted Environment Gallery Go Go, Melbourne Victoria
Emerging Artists
Megan Keating: Schema
Exhibition review Megan Keating: Schema Dunce Gallery, Hobart, Tasmania
Emerging Artists
Angela Hutchings
Exhibition review Angela Hutchings: The Maling Room Casula Powerhouse, Sydney NSW
Emerging Artists
Exhibition review Hatched: Healthway National Graduate Show 97 Perth Institute of Contemporary Art, Perth WA
Emerging Artists
Belinda Giddins, Mandy Ridley and Sandra Selig
Exhibition review Belinda Giddins, Mandy Ridley, Sandra Selig Parlour Metro Art, Brisbane Queensland
Emerging Artists
Impasse: Art in Australia from Colonization to Postmodernism
Book review Impasse: Art in Australia from Colonization to Postmodernism by Christopher Allen Thames and Hudson 1997 RRP $19.95
Emerging Artists
Agriculture and culture go back a long way. The fact that they actually meet and marry in the word 'cultivation' makes this clear....when it comes to direct experience, city and country are more distinct in Australia than in many countries.
The Terratransformers of Planet Three
Re-creation of a living landscape has to happen in farmyards, back-yards, and city squares, it has to be understood and practised at the small scale as well as the large. The remake the landscape for an ecological future we must make it fit for all living beings.
Culture/ Agriculture
Story 1: A story about land owners and nomads. Story 2: Never terra nullius. Story 3: Genetic imperialism. Story 4: The politicization of hunger. Story 5: Kunde and the perception of order.
The use of Aesthetics: Food for Thought
Aesthetic value is determined by commonly held notions of taste, beauty and attractiveness and differs from culture to culture. How does this influence us in our choice of nourishment - our daily bread, fruit or snack food? Why does food today look like it does?
Living with the Land
If there is a contemporary issue for landscape artist to engage with, it must be the process of developing a relationship with the landscape, even if it is at the level of s sustain[able] failure, a low level antagonism or an uneasy peace. It is as difficult and as complex as any other issue, and it ultimately speaks of the human condition.
Asian Tucker in the NT - new trend, old ecology
An installation work 'Guarding Civilization's Rim' a collaborative effort by 'The Personal Museum' comprising three Queensland artists opened in Townsville in September 1994. The project has been specifically created for and about northern Australia - the last frontier.
The Cultural Biography of Plants
The cultural biography of plants provides an extremely fertile field for artists to explore. It also encourages artists, and viewers, to explore the interface between cultures and between culture and agriculture.
Plant a Yam, Paint a Yam
Explores the relationship between food and its representation in the northeast of Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory. Remember, dangerous themes make dangerous art.
Harsh Realities: Artists and the Land
Even in the shiny spaces of the big cities, for some the dirt of the paddocks is only just below the surface. Michael Eather talks to three artists who were born and raised in the country, about their current attitudes to the land as a place of production.
Rice on the Terrace
The artist grew up in Baguio, which looks to be quite close to Ifugao on the map, and although I was taught that the rice terraces of this region of the Philippines were the eighth wonder of the world it was many years before he was able to see them.
Saved by the Demon - Hemp Lives
Cannibis Sativa as a drug, as uses of hemp - textiles, fabric and paper - as building materials, as oils food and protein, for medical and therapeutic applications, biomass energy... so why is there a prohibition?
Wolseley and Majzner Read the Land
Looks at the recent work of John Wolseley and Victor Majzner.
The Struggle for LESS Interesting Pictures
Beth Field is a farmer and a photographer in the WA wheatbelt facing a curious loss, one she is happy to accept - the dramatic colours of sunsets reflected in the salt lakes which she used to photograph may soon be hard to find as revegetation reclaims the soil. She recounts the changes she has seen in the last decade.
Portrait of the Farmer as a Mature Potato
"As with everything else, the country that I have been talking about is frequently regarded as a commodity, be it in relation to yields of primary produce or to spectacles and hypothetical experiences marketed for tourist consumption. Here's the main thing to understand: this commodification is entirely at odds with the appreciation of landscape that I've been trying to tell you about."
Photographing the Drought
"I used to think there was no link between farming and art...well, most art reflects the environment in which it is produced and the artist who produces it..."
A Piece of EcoCity
The Halifax EcoCity Project is not just the seed for a future ecological Adelaide; it is the embodiment of a new paradigm that is sweeping the planet.
Rene Boutin: An Artist and His Garden
New Caledonia has become the first Pacific nation to hold a Biennale of Contemporary Visual Art. Lucienne Fontannaz travelled to Noumea to interview artist Rene Boutin and discovered an artist who takes more than the gallery and his studio as his milieu.
Husbandry and the Coporate Collection
Making taste? Making money? Melbourne historian Juliet Peers scrutinises a group of books and catalogues on corporate art collections to see whether boardroom fancies and their lavish publications reflect a wider role in shaping popular visions of Australian painting.
Paul Hay Diary
Exhibition review Four Point Bearing: Simon Barley, Paul Hay, Ian Parry and James Smeaton Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery 26 December 1994 - 25 February 1995 Artist's journal by Paul Hay
Robyn Daw on Elsje King
Exhibition review Elsje King: Textiles University Gallery University of Tasmania, Launceston 9 September - 7 October 1994
Maggie Baxter on High Fibre Diet
Exhibition review High Fibre Diet Fremantle Arts Centre Western Australia 29 October - 4 December 1994
David Bromfield on Sculpture
Exhibition review The Games Room Stuart Elliott at Lawrence Wilson Art Galley University of Western Australia 21 October - 4 December 1994 Death of a Myth Michelle H Elliot at Gomboc Galleries and Sculpture Park 6 - 27 November 1994
Margot Osborne on Marijana Tadic
Exhibition review Passionate Habits Marijana Tadic Contemporary Art Centre of South Australia 11 November - 4 December 1994
Ingrid Day on Phil Mullaly
Exhibition review Other Refuge Have I None Phil Mullaly New Land Gallery 16 November - 30 December 1994
Cate Jones on Photography
Exhibition review Lifeworks: Aboriginal women photographed in action and at work by Aboriginal women photographers Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute Adelaide South Australia 7 October - 4 December 1994
Kay Aldenhoven on Annie Taylor
Exhibition review Doggone: Goddog: godingo: dingod Works by Annie Taylor 24 Hour Art Darwin, Northern Territory 21 October - 5 November 1994
Mark Stephens on 600,000 Hours
Exhibition review 600,000 Hours (mortality) exhibitions Experimental Art Foundation Adelaide South Australia 15 September - 4 December 1994
From first canvas to national collections in three years
The story of senior women from Kintore, Northern Territory
Emerging Artists
Pioneering Gallerists: Kym Bonython

While Kym Bonython AC, DFC, AFC is not in the league of the iconic art dealers Joseph Duveen or Ambroise Vollard, he was as important to the Australian art scene in the 60s as Leo Castelli was to New York. Born in Adelaide in 1920, he chronicled his unusual life in autobiography Ladies Legs and Lemonade in 1979 which describes his various careers to that point. When Paul Greenaway talked to him for Artlink recently he began by asking him about his collecting activities in the early days, who he bought art from and whether he followed their lead.

Transiting to a new self: Regendering
Ros Prosser and Vicki Crowley attend the 80th birthday of drag queen Rouge in Adelaide
Moana Project Space becomes a Fremantle Success story

Eve Sullivan in conversation with director Dale Buckley about a new gallery in the basement of a former department store in Fremantle 

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