Handmade: The New Labour

Issue 25:1 | March 2005

Guest Editor Kevin Murray.
What place remains in a fast, digital world for the slow, painstaking work of making things? Many artists still spend long hours working by hand on unique objects whether sculpture, furniture, drawing, fibre, even photography. In the light of increasing use of hands-off production the work of Ricky Swallow, Patrick Hall, Jan Nelson, David Trubridge, Christian Capurro, Bernhard Sachs, Robert Foster, Rosemary O'Rourke and many others take on a special significance. Writers Robert Cook and Mark Thomson give us their take on the consumer heaven of ever-newer digital and power tools and the purgatory of obsolete junk. Exhibition reviews, columns and obituaries.
Cover image: Ricky Swallow Highland Park Hydra {Field Recording), detail, 2003, laminated jelutong, 105 x 104 x 40 cm. Photo: Robert Weidemier.
AMaGA NAVA Unley Museum Cementa