
Suzi Attiwill

Suzie Attiwill is Senior Lecturer in Interior Design at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.


Craft Theory
The twentieth anniversary of Artlink has provided an occasion for an article on the current state of craft theory and its ramifications. This article gathers and presents a knowledge that eddies around craft and engages in the ontology of craft theory. Its aspirations: for craft theory to be not only approached from the point of view of the useful, instrumental or skilful but as offering new ways of moving and thinking. William Morris, Adolf Loos, David Walker, Sue Rowley, Grace Cochrane, Justin Clemens, Mark Pennings, Kevin Murray, Gilles Deleuze, Nicole Tomlinson, John Rajchman, Felix Guattari, Tony Fry, Frances Lindsay and Paul Carter are discussed through this text.
Reflection: 20th Anniversary Issue
The Hand in Making
The Tamworth Fibre Textile Biennial began in 1975 and every two years a collection of contemporary fibre textile work tours nationally to metropolitan and regional audiences. For Attiwill, guest curator of the 16th Biennial, the spark for the exhibition A Matter of Time came from Sue Rowleys wisdom: it is useful to think of craft in terms of multiple temporalities, A Matter of Time is an exploration of this usefulness.
Handmade: The New Labour
Riddoch Flinders University Art Museum Carclew Unley Museum Bendigo Art Gallery