Indigenous Northern
Aboriginal art from the Kimberley and Top End

Issue 36:2 | June 2016

Edited by the Arnhem, Northern and Kimberley Artists Aboriginal Corporation. Coordinating editor: Christina Balcombe Davidson. Editorial advisory group: Djambawa Marawili (AM), Ngarralja Tommy May, Jedda Purrantatameri, Regina Pilawuk Wilson.

Presenting in-depth perspectives of artists and custodians of traditional knowledge living in regional communities and homelands of the Northern Territory and Western Australia. This edition has been commissioned in consultation with the Arnhem, Northern and Kimberley Artists Aboriginal Corporation (ANKA), representing Aboriginal artists and artsworkers from 49 remote art centres.

Cover image: Mithili Wanambi in Dhapi ceremony, 2011. Photo: Sarah Jane Harvey. Courtesy The Mulka Project.
NAVA Unley Museum Cementa AMaGA