Artlink 2:4
Issue 2:4 | September 1982
Editor: Stephanie Britton
The women only show; making the point | art of ordinary people | Susan Hiller, Conrad Atkinson visit Australia | reviews - Adelaide, Melbourne | life with the VAB | threat to a gallery | art calendar
In this issue
Prospect: where we are with community arts
Susan Hiller on her work: I don't care what it's called
Expressing Women's Worlds: Quantum Leaps-a series of events organised by the Women's Art Movement
Beating Wings: Recent sculpture by Marcus Champ, Jam Factory Gallery
Conrad Atkinson
The Case for a Gallery
Picking Up the Pieces
Brisbane Races Ahead
The Politics of Art, or an Aesthetic for Women? Part 2
Celebrating Style: Popism at the National Gallery of Victoria, July 1982