Artlink 6:5
Issue 6:5 | October 1986
Editor: Stephanie Britton
SA Architecture | facsimiles | SA Surveys | SA Reviews | SA Artist Profile | SA Books | Community Art | Taxation | Conversation
Cover image: Ian North, Pseudo panorama IV, 1985, colour photographs, paint, 36 cm x 96.5 cm. Exhibited at Contemporary Art Centre September 1986.
In this issue
Art and authenticity
The RAIA plays games
Obituary: David Saunders
Adelaide 2000: A second look
Getting an art education in SA
Recent public art commissions to SA artists
Showing contemporary art in SA
The academy of the future
Making and breaking picture codes: Seasons and Pseudo Panoramas
For those in peril on the sea: Journeys
National galahs: Visions of a Larrikin
One foot firmly in each world: The Dreamtime Today
Vera Trust: Making marks
Parody, audacity and convention: A readable saga
Celebrations of SA's foundations: Ceramics
Planning for survival
Taxation and the visual arts
Two minds on the mantelpiece are worth a multitude of candelabra: Part II
Man in the moon: Colour Screenprint