Issue 35:3 | September 2015
The term ‘performative’ has crept into the vocabulary of the visual arts from its origins in the philosophy of language as speech acts. Calling objects or situations into being as a performative, enabling gesture has become a regular strategy for makers and doers of art. This edition profiles artists working with dance and performance to broadly canvass ideas of the social in contemporary art.
In this issue

Perspectives on contemporary dance
Julianne Pierce on multidisciplinary approaches to working across contemporary dance and visual arts

Video and performance: Many chronic returns
Robert Nelson on the death and rebirth of performance in the video loop

Alicia Frankovich: Toward a republic of the post-human multitude
Toward a republic of the post-human multitude

Mishka Henner and Jill Orr: Performing to the all-seeing eye
Jill Orr and Mishka Henner make new work for the Mildura Palimpsest Biennale #10.

Bound and Unbound: Sovereign Acts (Act 1)
Ali Gumillya Baker with Faye Rosas Blanch, Natalie Harkin and Simone Ulalka Tur on decolonising methodologies of the lived and spoken

Fly In Fly Out artists of Western Australia
On artist residencies and site-specific projects that don’t always go as planned