One of the curators of the Singapore Biennale Australian Russell Storer explains how the Biennale is a sited conversation, about place as well as process.
Andrew Drummond: Observation/ Action/ Reflection by Jennifer Hay et al Christchurch Art Gallery / Te Puna o Waiwhetu, New Zealand, 2010. ISBN 978-1-877375-19-4, rrp NZ $89.99.
Next Wave Artistic Director Emily Sexton and Next Wave Artistic Program manager Ulanda Blair discuss the waves of Invisible Structures a project curated by Next Wave and supported by Asialink in which Australian artist collectives do exchanges with collectives in Tokyo, Singapore and Yogyakarta.
Novelist, freelance writer and contributor to Inside Story website Jane Goodall writes about the recent floods in Queensland in relation to climate change and art and how "we need the merging energies of many artists to shift the consciousness of an era mesmerised by determination to perpetuate a way of life that may well be no longer viable."
South Australia's Craftsouth ran an outstanding workshop series in May 2010 where refugees with traditional craft skills from six countries taught their secrets to Australian craftspeople.
Freelance writer and doctoral candidate Farid Farid analyses the installations and videos of deep thinker Khaled Sabsabi which use sound and collaboration as a significant part of their presence.