Art & Education
Issue 11:3 | September 1991
Art Education and art publishing. The art education riddle and educating artists for the 21st century. Will universities empower art and design education? Art book publishing, conspicuous talent and market place neglect. Reviews
In this issue
Mom's Long Arms: The Art Institution Reaches Out
Art and Design Education A letter from Noel Sheridan to the editor Stephanie Britton. One of the main reasons for coming to Perth (Western Australia) was to get away from art education...
Art and Design Education For 2 years now, being busy about other things, I have not thought much about art education; and this abstinence seems not to have been injurious to anybody. But the thing nags. It ought to be possible to say something so manifestly enlightened and reasonable about art education that every rational person will agree and productive action will follow as the night follows the day.
The Balloon Man Cometh: A Salutary Tale
Art and Design Education A brief overview of the Australian Art and Design School phenomena today suggests that, given that educational philosophies are couched in the language of diversity, they still appear to be dominated by a referential and almost umbilical attachment to the early moderns...
Art Schools Academe 2001
Art and Design Education By what criteria do we judge the success of visual arts courses?
Crisis in Queensland
Art and Design Education The Queensland College of Art and its dubious future.
Amalgamation chaos at College of Art
Art and Design Education A student view See also article by Effemera Phaxx in this issue of Artlink.
Aboriginal and Islander Art Course: More than survival
Art and Design Education Written with Penryhn Henderson Discusses the Associate Diploma of Art (Aborigine and Torres Strait Islander) being offered at the Cairns College of TAFE in Far North Queensland and now in its 8th year.
More Exotic More Humane: World Music
Art and Design Education at the Victoria College of Arts.
Computer Art: Critical issues in teaching
Art and Design Education In attempting to teach something called computer art, we inherit our critical base from art history and another from engineering. Not only are these traditionally at odds with each other, but neither of them, nor a combination of the two, are adequate for our historical moment.
Mini-theories? Film and Video Education
Art and Design Education It would be beneficial for the educational sector to look at an integration with the low-budget, grass roots end of existing film practice and make links with other film makers and independent festivals both nationally and internationally that are responsive to the work.
From Solving to Setting Problems: Project-based Design Education
Art and Design Education The strength and vitality of post secondary design education programs in Australia arguably derives from the established tradition of project based learning.
Freemasonry or Free Interchange?
Art and Design Education A new model for training architects and designers.
Government Help Available
Art and Design Education Looks at the various government schemes which are available to art and design graduates and undergraduates.
Rites of Passage - Queensland Mergers
Looks at the Brisbane College of Advanced Education's art programmes more popularly known as the Kelvin Grove Art School and the Carseldine expressive arts department who joined forces in May 1990 on the occasion of the amagamation of B C A E with the larger entity of Queensland University of Technology.
A Sociology of Art... Why Does Art Look (or Sound) Like it Does?
Analytical perceptions for a new century. The artist - the creative thinker. The mechanics of thinking. Rational and irrational mechanics of thinking. Aesthetics and sociology - the conjugal relationship etc The critics best friend or friends must necessarily be the artist!
Modernism and Post Modernism in Asian Art
Review of conference at the Australian National University Canberra, 22 -25 March 1991. Organised by the Humanities Research Centre and the Department of Art History ANU.
ACCA the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art affiliates with Monash University.
Learning to be Naive
Review of works of Malcolm Otton at the Naive Galleries Woolhara NSW
Problems with Art Publishing in Australia
Art writing and payment to writers and how this influences who writes for what!
Distribution - Who Will Tame the Bete Noir?
The case for a viable national infrastructure.
An Alternative Model in Academia
Art publishing out of the Power Institute.
Funding for Visual Arts Publishing
The Visual Arts/Crafts Board has been grappling with the difficulties facing specialist visual arts publishing in Australia for many years.
A Cornucopia? Arts Publishing in New Zealand
Looks at the impressive range of publications on the visual arts in New Zealand. This is not an exhaustive overview but a thumbnail sketch of this large and diverse topic.
Field of Vision by Janine Burke
Book review Field of Vision:A Decade of Change: Women's Art in the Seventies
By Janine Burke
Penguin Australia 1990
RRP $40.00
Jeffrey Smart: Paintings of the 70s and 80s by John McDonald
Book review Jeffrey Smart: Paintings of the 70s and 80s
By John MacDonald
Craftsman House 1990
RRP $65
A Guide to Identifying Australian Architecture by Richard Apperly
Book review A Pictorial Guide to Identifying Australian Architecture: Styles and Terms from 1788 to the Present by Richard Appleby, Robert Irving and Peter Reynolds with photographs by Solomon Mitchell Angus and Robertson 1989 RRP $39.95
Papunya Tula: Art of the Western Desert by Geoffrey Bardon
Book review Papunya Tula: Art of the Western Desert
By Geoffrey Bardon
McPhee Gribble 1991
RRP $50.
A Selected Book List
Better books etc since 1984 -- a very selective list.
Lyndal Jones Prediction Piece 10
Exhibition review Installation by Lyndal Jones
University of South Australia Art Museum
30 May - 22 June 1991
Film Theory Seminars
Exhibition review The Power of Perversion, Film Theory Seminars
Media Resource Centre Adelaide South Australia
April 8 - May 13 1991
Dadang Christanto
Exhibition review an Installation of the work by Dadang Christanto Contemporary Indonesian Artist
University of South Australia Art Museum
August 1 - 31 1991
Ginger Riley and Ian Abdulla
Exhibition review (indigenous artists) Koori Perspective
12 May - 31 June 1991
Ian Abdulla
9 June - 31 July 1991
Ginger Riley Munduwalawala
7 July - 31 August
Tandanya Adelaide South Australia
Gavin Blake
Exhibition review Gavin Blake: Immaculate Projections
North Adelaide School of Art Gallery
23 July - 8 August 1991
Torso, Group Show: Richard Baxter Smith and Bill Doyle
Exhibition review Torso: Gray Street Workshop
25 July - 18 August 1991
Bite: Richard Baxter Smith and Bill Doyle Artzone
31 August - 11 September 1991
Helen Taylor, Judith Dinham, Glen Phillips, Jill Kempson
Exhibition review Helen Taylor See Saw: Part One Delaney Galleries
4 - 26 June 1991
Judith Dinham and Glen Phillips: Nothing More Real to Me, Leaning on Images
Perth Galleries
28 April - May 15 1991
Jill Kempson: Threading Light and Land in Tuscany
Galerie Duseldorf
17 May - 9 June 1991
Jokes and Jelly
Exhibition review Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery
University of Western Australia
April 21 - May 26 1991
Simon Gevers: 'perf' Steven Holland: 'a plaintive "Plee-erk"'
The Body in Question: Jewellery
Exhibition review The Body in Question: Jewellery and Metalsmithing Symposium
University of Tasmania Launceston
July 1991
and related exhibition programme
South of No North
Exhibition review Dick Bett Gallery
Hobart Tasmania
17 July - early August 1991
Richard Flanagan Curator