
Louise Dauth


The Money, the Means and the Info...
Book review The Money and the Means: Grants, Scholarships and Opportunities for Professional Development Art Museums Association of Australia 1992 RRP $8.00
Art and the Economy
Extending Parameters
Extending Parameters Research Forum Brisbane, Queensland (February 21-23 1990), and the National Ideas Summit in Canberra February, 1990.
Community Arts
Lyndal Jones Prediction Piece 10
Exhibition review Installation by Lyndal Jones University of South Australia Art Museum 30 May - 22 June 1991
Art & Education
A Cornucopia? Arts Publishing in New Zealand
Looks at the impressive range of publications on the visual arts in New Zealand. This is not an exhaustive overview but a thumbnail sketch of this large and diverse topic.
Art & Education
Museums Listings
Selected list of museums and art galleries around Australia.
Museums on the Edge
Museums on the Edge
Guest editor for Vol 12 No 1 Museums on the Edge. This edition was founded on a perception of a lack of any quantity of readily available material on the Australian and New Zealand experience of museums.
Museums on the Edge
Contemporary Gipsland Artists
Exhibition review Contemporary Gippsland Artists A touring exhibition initiated by the LaTrobe Valley Arts Centre Morwell Victoria University of South Australia Art Museum 9 April - 8 May 1992
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Balance 1990
Exhibition review Balance 1990 held at Queensland Art Gallery and curated by Michael Eather and Marlene Hall, March 1990.
Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art
A Room of Their Own
Exhibition review Contemporary jewellery at the Jam Factory Leslie Matthews "Inner Vane" 13 August - 13 September 1992 Cecelia Cmielewski 15 May - 5 June 1992 Jam Factory Adelaide South Australia
Naive & Outsider Art
Pretty as a Picture: Women Artists and the Heidelberg Era
Exhibition review Completing the Picture: Women artists and the Heidelberg era Carrick Hill, South Australia 8 November - 6 December 1992
Film & Video
Cementa NAVA Unley Museum AMaGA