Artlink 8:4
Issue 8:4 | December 1988
Editor: Stephanie Britton
Special Feature - Australian Video in the international content | what is the future of the South Australian School of Art? | the creative city: artists talking to architects | Terry Smith on imagery of sexual identity | colour insert: a new work by Melanie Howard | reviews: Creating Australia; Recent Aboriginal Painting | book reviews | news | politics | information
In this issue
Ripe for the picking or to wither on the vine? The state of play in the restructuring of tertiary art education in SA
The art of video: Home and abroad
Randelli re-versions: The Australian abyme of tele-nostalgia
The Third Australian Video Festival: The awards
Video in Japan: Eizo Bunka: A skewed scenario
The Creative City Seminar
Computers and fine art part 2: Future Directions?
Archangel Dreaming: A reading
Archangel Dreaming: Oil and gold leaf on linen
Art and tec update
The imagery of sexual identity in recent Australian art: (What) lies beyond inference?
Visual arts beyond the city: An interview with David Hansen
Grand impressions: Creating Australia: 200 Years of Art 1788-1988
Recent Aboriginal Painting
Teasing history: Ian North's Pseudo Panoramas
Zen and frottage: Masao Okabe Noosa Gallery
Confounding prejudice: Paul Saint's Goodbye to All That
Visiting sculptures: Barossa International Sculpture Symposium
Changing spaces: An interview with Michael Snelling
Lasting Impressions: Lithography as Art