Artlink 9:1
Issue 9:1 | March 1989
Guest editor: Louise Dauth
Special Art & Technology Section: the AI (artificial intelligence paradigm), artists 'back to school' with new technologies | New York writer meets artists of the Central Desert | filmmaker photographer Helen Grace interviewed | community arts.. a new critique by Jude Adams | artrave, reviews and book reviews
Cover image: Hewson/Walker a {from the series It was a Slow Journey Back}, colour photography on paper 165cm x 125cm, shown at Club Foote, Adelaide January 1981.
In this issue
Shifting sands: Changing faces and places of the new year in the Adelaide art picture
Grace at the South Australian School of Art: Louise Dauth interviews Helen Grace
Aboriginal art: The Central Desert meets New York / New York meets the Central Desert
Art and technology: Special section
Fisea: Report on Australian participation in the First International Symposium on Electronic Art
The AI paradigm
Creating by default: A report on the ANAT CAD CAM summer school
"Hello, my name's Richard, and I'm an artist who wants to work with computers."
Charlie Chaplin, Stelarc and the future humanity
Nothing but the set
Real media, virtual culture: Tech-ing the collective individual in Japan
There is always a simple solution and it's always wrong: Notes on the visual image in community arts
It was a slow journey back: Colour photocopies by Paul Hewson and Linda Marie Walker
The art of Melanie Howard
South Australian Women Photographers
Island in the Stream: Myths of place in Australia culture