
Jimmy McGilchrist and Jordana Maisie provided unexpected and tantalising visual hooks to accompany the musical highlights of the Splendour in the Grass music festival at Woodford, Qld in August 2011. Close Encounters, Maisie's large, shiny UFO, best viewed at night when the spacecraft seemed to hover benevolently above the masses, was an instantly recognisable pop culture reference to personal and other-worldly journeys. The predominantly Gen Y crowd enjoyed sending texts to the UFO, and then seeing their message, followed by a response from 'the alien’, broadcast on the saucer’s LED screen. Curious Creatures offered individuals a more intimate experience with young and old drawn to the antics of McGilchrist’s whimsical beasts. Digital projection enabled participants to interact with moving silhouettes of the squawking family of creatures. They, and their human counterparts, became increasingly boisterous over the 3-day musical odyssey. 15 Splendid artists are currently developing concepts for Splendour 2012. Thanks to Lee Kinsella for this report.

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