
Pamela Zeplin

Pamela Zeplin is a Senior Lecturer at the SA School of Art


Ethics and interviews: Morality and art
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Eruptions in Volcano City
Art in New Zealand and Anzart
Adelaide's New Generation: energy and guts
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Groping the Underworld - Joy Hester by Janine Burke, Greenhouse Publications
Feminist Perspectives
Four Festival Shows at WAM
Artists Week Forums 1984
Educating Adelaide: RAP (Recent Australian Painting: A Survey 1970-1983)
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P.R. 4 V.A.T.
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Towards 1984: Farmyards, Art Schools and the Marketplace
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Out From Under the Bed: Helen de Prynter and Elisa Hall
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Remembering Judith Hoffberg 1934-2009

Expert on Len Lye, editor of Umbrella Magazine Judith Hoffberg died on January 16, 2009. Tributes to her life and work continue with a memorial exhibition planned for late 2010. Judith Hoffberg wrote of her last visit to Adelaide in 2002 as one of ‘’Paradise regained’...

Remembering Judith Hoffberg BA, MA, MLS, 1934-2009

The Underground
Reunion of Mildura Directors
A small performance piece was created for the recent 50th anniversary celebrations of the Mildura Arts Centre which brought together six of the seven directors who have overseen the development of this remarkable regional arts complex since 1956. The extraordinary historical line-up of directors was a highlight with each providing personal insights into the galleries collection and their time at the helm. The presenting directors were Rex Bramleigh, Eric Westbrook, Tom McCullough, Michel Sourgnes, Ian Hamilton and Julian Bowron.
Elders: The Old Magic
Home is where the heart is
University of South Australia Art Museum, 13 September - 20 October, 2001
Best Practice: Export Quality
The Brush-Off Syndrome: Stage Design, History and Visual Art in Adelaide
Clear discussion of the issues facing stage and set designers in the visual arts world.
Art and the Economy
The Vision not so Splendid
Prominent gallerist Paul Greenaway and influential educator Pamela J Zeplin speculated recently about the depths to which confidence in the management of Adelaide's Public Domain has sunk. Who is to blame for the rash of mediocrity -- consultants, governments, artists themselves. Interview.
Public Art in Australia
The Museum, the Muslim and the Infidel: K L Revisited
Critically looks at the exhibition 'Kecurangan - Infidelity' curated by Dato Shahrum Yub in Kuala Lumpur where 90% of Malaysia's population is Muslim.
Art, Pornography & Censorship
Perks Studio 13 Sydney Unley Museum Flinders University Art Museum Bendigo Art Gallery