Feminist Perspectives
Issue 4:5 | October 1984
Guest Editors: Jane Kent and Anne Marsh
Aboriginal Women's Workshops and Photography by Polly Sumner | Feminism and Political Art Criticism | Feminist Film | Conversations | Women's· Art Archives | S.A. School of Art Women Artists | Sydney Biennale, Exhibitions and Book Reviews
In this issue
Feminist Perspectives
Aboriginal Women's Workshops 1984/85
Black Womens' Action needs your help!
Art and Society: Analysis of Community Art
Committing a Crime and Getting Away With It: On Guard
Cine-Matrix: Women's Film in Western Australia
Independent Film in Adelaide
Political Performance Artist
Feminist Criticism Now
Beardless Youths in Post Modern Trousers: the Future Fall Conference
Women's Art Movement A.I.R.
Hiroshima Art Event, 1984
On the Move: A play at work
Paintings and Prints, Port Lincoln, July 1984
Chris Bryant: A feminist, but not a feminist painter
Women's Art Register of Victoria
Praxis Forums, 1984
Gender in Art Practice: Gender does have an effect on content, training and career
A Strength of Conviction: Women Working at the S.A. School of Art
Groping the Underworld - Joy Hester by Janine Burke, Greenhouse Publications
Liberation: Women's Liberation Newsletter, published by Women's LIberation
Slide Registry Project
The Sydney Biennale: The Personal Statement
Sexism and the Art Gallery of South Australia