The Image Issue no 2

Issue 6:6 | December 1986

To regard this collection of images as some kind of Top 25 from 1986 would be to mistake its purpose. A great number of works that might qualify for such a contest are not in this group, having already had a modicum of exposure in Artlink and other publications through the year. Thus one criterion for selection was to introduce pieces that may not have been published elsewhere.

Featuring images by: Alan Cruickshank, Rose Woodcock, Robert Boynes, Juilee Pryor, Mary Nikitaras, Julia Moretti, Christopher Coventry, Maggie Savage, Fay Poole, Linda Paterson, David Watt, Marijana Tadic, Andrew Petrusevics, Fimo, Michal Kluvanek, Lani Weedon, Lyn Ashby, Ken Orchard, Anne Brennan, Fiona Hall, Georgy Downey, Francesca da Rimini, Alan Lukey.


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