
Adele Hann

Adele Hann is the Program Manager for the inaugural Adelaide International Film Festival 2003


A contested place: Film and land
The importance of place depends on what it means to us, what we make of it and our understanding of how it shapes us. In 2001 in the Australian film industry there was an avalanche of films, both documentaries and features, addressing issues surrounding place in the context of the relationship between black and white Australians. Six features which Hann values for their portrayal of this relationship are One Night the Moon, Rabbit Proof Fence, The Tracker, Beneath Clouds, Kabbarli-A Film About Daisy Bates and Australian Rules.
Cinema, Death and the Abject
Cinema is both dead and deathless. Cinema like this can take us to the great chasm in our lives and hold us over the edge.
Art & Death: Facing Mortality
Negotiating the Museum of Sydney
Review of the new Museum of Sydney whose challenge it was to compose a cultural metaphor for Sydney. It was conceived as a site that lets the visitor experience the jostling versions of what was going on, what it looked, sounded and behaved like.
Art in the Electronic Landscape
CMCs Open for business
Looks at the role of CMCs Cooperative Multimedia Centres which are rapidly spreading across Australia. CMCs are government seeded consortia of a range of share holders and stake holders, designed to develop and support local and national multimedia industries. They all have a tripartite brief: education and training; research and development; and industry support...
Art in the Electronic Landscape
Forget the White Gloves: Plug-ins Rule OK ANAT National School for New Media Curation
ANAT Australian Network for Art and Technology devised its 1999 National School, me.d.ia.te, to assist curators and arts workers in gaining a technical and theoretical understanding of new media art exhibition practice. It aimed to provide a 'world's best practice' model.
The Future of Art
Living out the Abject/Subject
Larry Clark is a well known American photographer and film maker. The Experimental Art Foundation mounted an exhibiton of photographs from the 1960s through to the 1980s as well as a series from the film Kids. Clark's trademark is gritty realism and under age sexuality. Discussion of the boundaries of eroticism and pornography.
NAVA Cementa AMaGA Unley Museum