
Dr Jim Puckridge

Dr Jim Puckridge is a river ecologist based at the University of Adelaide. He has studied the rivers of Lake Eyre Basin for most of his professional life, and is a passionate advocate for their conservation.


Water and Dust: Coongie Lakes
To non-indigenous people, Australia has often seemed a paradoxical, even perverse country. It is indeed the most climatically unpredictable of all continents - a land where seasonal cycles are overwhelmed by unpredictable drought and flood. Dr Puckridge examines this fact about Australia, with a particular focus on the Lake Eyre Basin and Coongie Lake. This article includes text by artists Peter Richards and Erika Calder who work extensively alongside Dr Puckridge in their ongoing pursuit to inform and educate the wider community on the importance of working co-operatively with all the different and varied users of the Lake Eyre Basin.
Taking in Water
Flinders University Art Museum Bendigo Art Gallery Unley Museum Studio 13 Sydney Carclew