Juilee Pryor: The Army of Unrequited Dreams
The figure of the army haunts the imaginary, alternatively conjuring hope and despair. For many it can embody the most terrifying of human flows wrought on a path of hellish destruction, while for others it symbolises the righteous fury of moral redemption. Juilee Pryor’s multi-layered installation, The Army of Unrequited Dreams, captures this ambivalence and dares to merge the fantastical imaginings of childhood and war through an elaborate installation that couples the ornate details of the Victorian era with the extravagant fancies of its children’s authors like J.M. Barrie. Chillingly contemporary in its allusions to the captured and weaponised children of struggling African states from Sierra Leone to Sudan, her rag tag army of salvaged toys, brandishing weaponry, serves as an allegory for current states of war.