Amanda McDonald Crowley
Cacophony + Cramp for the Sensory Bundle
Digital media provides intuitive contemporary ways for storytelling in our times. dLux media arts, based in Sydney, this year curated a selection of installation works derived from their annual d>art program, and for the first time showed it outside Sydney. The five works selected for the Adelaide exhibition were complex and esoteric: a gorgeous array of storytelling techniques which explore and exploit narrative and interactivity.
New Museums, New Agendas
Electronic art in Australia: do we have critical mass?
Looks at art practice as it has developed since 1987 using the ARTLINK issue in 1987 of ÔArt and TechnologyÕ-(Vol 7 Nos 2 & 3, 1987) as the starting point for what was at that time the mostly unrecognised relationship between art and technology.
Art in the Electronic Landscape