
Dawn Barker

Dr. Dawn Barker is a Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist. She has worked in a variety of clinical settings with both adults and children, and has a special interest in the mental health of mothers and infants. She enjoys writing and is a member of the Australian Medical Writers Association.
MBChB, FRANZCP, Cert. C&A Psych


M/other love: the first relationship & the photography of Toni Wilkinson
Toni Wilkinson’s 'm/other' exhibition of photographs at Perth Galleries, North Fremantle earlier this year confronted the viewer with a series of atypical representations of the mother child relationship. She give a glimpse into the privacy, and reality, of a mother’s world by showing us mothers and their children at their most naked, physically and emotionally.
Rational / Emotional
Studio 13 Sydney Carclew Unley Museum Riddoch Flinders University Art Museum