
Robert Crocker


A Guide to Identifying Australian Architecture by Richard Apperly
Book review A Pictorial Guide to Identifying Australian Architecture: Styles and Terms from 1788 to the Present by Richard Appleby, Robert Irving and Peter Reynolds with photographs by Solomon Mitchell Angus and Robertson 1989 RRP $39.95
Art & Education
That's History
Book review The Killing of History: How a discipline is being murdered by literary critics and social theorists by Keith Windschuttle Macleay Press, 1994 Sydney RRP $39.95
The Face
Like a Chant
Exhibition review Recent Work: Hossein Valamanesh 4-29 October 1995, Greenaway Gallery, Adelaide SA
Men's Business: Masculinities Reflected
Cedar Prest: Community Art and Spirituality
For Cedar Prest, stained glass work always begins with a meditation on what she terms the "light atmosphere" of a particular place. This is not simply the physical presence of a source of light and its intensity within a room or particular architectural space, but also the more complex sensual influences that determine the way light enters a particular space through one or more "holes in the wall".
Art & the Spirit
Visual Culture, Pornography and Censorship
Editorial: hypocrisy in our attitude to sex. It is both celebrated and maligned, and the censorship laws allow young people to view explicit violence while classifying sex for adults only, based on psuedo-scientific analysis of 'normal' or 'aberrant'. This history of public attitude from the Enlightenment on, libertinism a radical opposition to status quo, advertising and porn, and artists exercising self-censorship.
Art, Pornography & Censorship
Riddoch Unley Museum NAVA