
Jo Holder


Round-tables and Square Holes: Recovering Ground
Examines the fragility of the cross-institutional and inter-disciplinary debate. Raises issues of political intervention, globalisation and indigenous and non-indigenous identity and aesthetic. Refers to key figures Joan Kerr, Daniel Thomas, Mary Eagle, Narelle Jubelin, Michael Riley, Ross Gibson, Ricky Swallow, Patricia Piccinini, Tracey Moffatt, Dawn Casey, Terry Eagleton, Ian Burn, Djon Mundine, Diane Moon, George Lambert, Will Dyson, Ruby Lindsay, Christobel Pankhurst, Clive Bell, Roger Fry, Barbara Campbell, Raquel Ormella, Regina Walters, Joanna Callaghan, Martin Mischkulnig and Esme Timbery.
Art History: Go Figure
Destiny Deacon: It's Been Ages Since We Last Marched
You can hear her on the radio and see her on the television and contemplate her in better State galleries. Pluralist par excellence, artist, writer and film-maker Destiny Deacon has been blazing away on visual and linguistic fronts since premiering 'Koori Rocks Gub Words' in 'Pitcha Mi Koori' (1990).
Taste Meets Kitsch
Riddoch NAVA Unley Museum