
Paul Allatson

Paul Allatson is Senior Lecturer in (US) Latino Studies & Spanish Studies at the Institute for International Studies University of Technology, Sydney


From god‑head to bin chook: Ibis in the Australian cultural imagination

From the early 1970s, driven by drought and degradation of interior wetlands, the Australian White Ibis (Threskiornis moluccus) began migrating to the nation’s coastal cities, towns and inland centres from north Queensland through to Perth. Ibis have flourished in urban spaces, where there is a ready food supply guaranteed by our endemic over‑consumption. Their robust colonisation and presence has garnered the bird a reputation as unwelcome pests and interlopers, reflected in the quotidian idiom: dumpster diver, flying rat, tip turkey, pest of the sky, trash vulture, dump chook, bin chicken, bin chook.

Considering the Animals
Juan Davila: Queering the South
Juan Davila's recent retrospectives, held in Sydney and Melbourne, affirmed the astonishing array of historical, political, artistic, and cultural references populating his oeuvre since his move from Chile to Australia in 1974. As Davila explains: The circumstance of living in two extremes of the world, in two peripheral cultures, slowly forced me to look at the materiality of the circumstances where artworks operate. This text examines the work of Davila as being, in libidinal and critical measure, queer, and the extent to which this provides a signifying key to the artists TransPacific vision. The term queer is not merely called upon as one bound by its sexual connotations but as one used to describe a generalised sense of deviation from normalcy, within which Davilas work is here positioned. Specific works examined are: The Arse End of the World, Fable of Australian Painting, Retablo and Our Own Death amongst other key pieces.
The South Issue: New Horizons
Men and Mettle: Recent Portraits by Rox De Luca
Rox de Luca's exhibition of 19 men portrayed in 'All Meat No Veg' were all of men known to her. What did the portraits reveal about the sitters?
Men's Business: Masculinities Reflected
Riddoch Unley Museum NAVA