
Caroline Farmer

Caroline Farmer is the Director of 24HR Art � the Northern Territory Centre for Contemporary Art.


Bush Techies and Secret Data Business
Caroline Farmers position at 24HR Art, the Northern Territorys Centre for Contemporary Art required an involvement with projects specifically aimed to help indigenous artists acquire new media skills. What she found in the Territory however required her to think in an entirely new way. Farmer discusses some of her experiences with her new found traditionally and technologically aligned environment.
An Accelerated Life: Lydia Lunch
Women need to fight for an alternative pornography. Women need a pornography that addresses all the alternatives of our sexuality, in every format, so that there's something for everyone....Farmer interviewed porn star Lydia Lunch on her visit to the MRC in Adelaide.
Art, Pornography & Censorship
Studio 13 Sydney Perks Flinders University Art Museum Bendigo Art Gallery Unley Museum