
Brook Andrew

Brook Andrew is an artist. He is currently completing his PhD and lecturing at UNSW College of Fine Arts, Sydney.


Remembering Jesus: The Child in Australian Aboriginal Art
Andrew discusses the work of various Australian artists under a generic theme of the blakborg, a term he uses with regards to the re-creation of the blak body. A fleshy cyborg, much like the Star Trek Borg family, the blakborgacts as a symbol: alluding to the Western preoccupation with aliens and simultaneously reminding Europeans of their own alien status in the Australian landscape. The works of Julie Gough, Tracey Moffatt, Destiny Deacon, Bianca Beetson, John Packham, Les Midikuria, James Gleeson, Richard Billingham and Marc Quinn are here examined.
Art and Childhood
Between Heaven and Earth
Looks at the work of Samantha Lau, Megan Jones and Josie Bri-Haines. These works take us away from the populated cityscapes to other lands, other planets and in some senses to a state of rest. Their premise is our worship of the sun, planets and stars.
Emerging Artists
Bendigo Art Gallery Flinders University Art Museum Carclew Unley Museum Riddoch