Festival of Perth: Visual Arts a Shadow of Their Former Selves
Review A sad thing has happened to the once vibrant visual arts component of the Festival of Perth - the oldest arts festival in Australia. It has become tired if not downright tiresome. The whole event needs a good shake - up.
The Art of Survival
Aboriginal Art Exhibitions in Western Australia
Review The Festival of Perth presented two major exhibitions of Western Australian Aboriginal art Bush Women at the Fremantle Arts Centre and This is my country at the exciting new exhibition venue 'Artplace' in Claremont.
The Art of Survival
The Green and the Wild
Exhibition review Dark Nature Anne MacDonald and David Stephenson Dick Bett Gallery Hobart, Tasmania 3 - 22 March 1994
The Art of Survival
Designs on Shopping
Exhibition review 4 Seasons - Objects that Contain Plimsoll Gallery University of Tasmania Centre for the Arts March 4 - 27 1994
The Art of Survival
Missing in Action
Book review Body and self: Performance Art in Australia 1969 -1992 By Anne Marsh Oxford University Press Australia 1993
The Art of Survival
A View of the Perennials
Book review Contemporary Sculpture in Australian Gardens By Ken Scarlett Craftsman House 1993
The Art of Survival
The Chronic Population
Art Brut is that manner of making something whereby all of the individual is.
Naive & Outsider Art
Outsider Art: Flavour of the Month
Looks at the art market and the great beast of commercialism.
Naive & Outsider Art
Captain Oates' Last Words
Art institutions are beginning to welcome Outsiders in. But there seems to be a little uncertainty in the art world as to the specifics of the Other guest list: enterprises such as this Artlink special issue are a means of establishing the canon, of packaging the concept.
Naive & Outsider Art
The Boundary Riders: The Art of Everyday Life
The diversity of work found in the art of everyday life transgresses many of the implicit boundaries about art practice laid down by the art world. Other art meets all the criteria by which we usually evaluate art works such as skill, commitment and self-expression yet is rarely seen in a gallery context. In order to recover meaning and value for the art of everyday life the question must be asked: why have these artists been marginalised by the art world?
Naive & Outsider Art
Nothing if Not Innocent
Artists of the modern era have always been fascinated by the primitive, be it the obsession of the surrealists, futurists and modernists for the art of the Negro, the passion of a handful of British in the 60s for the work of the Cornish primitive Alfred Wallis or Jean Dubuffet's exploration of children's art and the art of the asylum which he termed Art Brut.
Naive & Outsider Art
From Stone Henge to Post-Feminist Creatures
Tattoo in Aotearoa/ New Zealand Tattooing is not 'Outsider' or 'Other' art. To suggest this is to fall once more into the tiresome quagmire of Western art definitions. Looks at an exhibition 'Tattoo' 1993.
Naive & Outsider Art
Disposable Icons
Naive & Outsider Art
I just had this Inkling...
Interview with Tazz a tattoo artist in South Australia.
Naive & Outsider Art
The Australian Collection of Outsider Art
Outsider Artists in Australia? Of course. The phenomenon is universal.
Naive & Outsider Art
Anthony Hopkins
Looks at the works of Anthony Hopkins.
Naive & Outsider Art
Mental Disturbance and Artistic Production
The popular understanding of the so-called 'insane' artist cannot be summarised better than in the schmaltzy lyrics of 'Vincent' written and sung by Don McLean in the 1970s. He plaintively chides those who misunderstood the living Van Gogh and charges them with the responsibility for his suicide.
Naive & Outsider Art
Nyungar Landscapes: Wetern Australia
In a remote corner of the south west of Western Australia, a school teacher who had never trained in art, was the catalyst for a school of landscape painting reminiscent of the style of Namatjira. Everything about this story was remarkable, not least that this happened over 40 years ago and that the average age of the artists was 10. The place was a tiny settlement known as Carrolup, now known as Marribank near Katanning.
Naive & Outsider Art
Foils for the Silver City
Disillusioned with the contemptible familiarity of our environment in the South Australian School of Art a group of fellow students and I decided to take our art somewhere else. So, displaced and gung-ho, our controversial creations in tow, we set off to Broken Hill, the self proclaimed art capital of Australia.
Naive & Outsider Art
Blue Bush, Blue Sky and Silver
Book review Blue Bush, Blue Sky and Silver Guide to artists and galleries of Broken Hill.
Naive & Outsider Art
Naive Archive
A national survey of Australian Naives - short biographies by various contributors as well as the artists themselves and images many in colour. Artists include Bernard Jeffery, Hugh Schulz, Bill Yaxley, Sam Byrne, Maitreyi Ray, Pam Bartley, Roma Higgins, Phyl Delves, Alison Vodic, Gwen Mason, Reny Mia Slay, Stella Dilger, Del Luke, Muriel Smith, Elfrun Lach, Susan Wanji Wanji, Miriam Naughton, Gwen Clarke, Selby Warren, Malcolm Otton, Harold Kangaroo Thornton, Ivy Robson, Lorna Chick and George Deurden.
Naive & Outsider Art
Masterminded Masterpieces: Legendary Art
Mrs Iris Frame is going to be bigger than Elvis Presley. She told the author so herself. Her dream is to establish a museum of her life's work on her property just like Gracelands.
Naive & Outsider Art
Now Who is Being Naive?
Naive is a tag used to describe the style of a particular artist and by inference the content of their work. In this examination of 4 contemporary artists working in what can be characterised as a naive style. the author illustrates that they are being anything but naive in the analysis of events, issues and stereotypes.
Naive & Outsider Art
Eccentric Gardens of Australia
In country towns, suburban lanes and backstreets, tucked behind barricades and fences or alternatively displayed for all to see, are the gardens and decorated outdoor spaces of many 'other' artists. These gardens or 'exhibitions' could generally be called quirky. Many coloured photographs.
Naive & Outsider Art
Frank 'Bronco' Johnson - The Poetics of Defence
He was always delighted to be fighting with someone....
Naive & Outsider Art
Ciao from Canberra
Hidden in the neat suburban streets of Canberra are the sculptures of Giacomo Rampone. Superbly crafted from steel and cement, these sculptures adorn the front gardens of each of Rampone's homes past and present.
Naive & Outsider Art
A Living Treasure: The Topiary of Jack Cashion
As a sculptor working in metal I have been interested for some time in combining plants with the hard surfaces of copper and steel. The issues involved in using shrubs and trees are many, including that the work isn't trivialised or lacking in credibility, transport and of course storage.
Naive & Outsider Art
The World in Talc
Looks at the works of Talc Alf working in Lyndhurst South Australia.
Naive & Outsider Art
Bill Sorrell
Looks at the environment of Bill Sorrell working in the small farming town of Toodyay in the Avon Valley about 80 kilometres from Perth Western Australia.
Naive & Outsider Art
Looks at the environment of Maria "Mad Mary" Hermann at her house in Leederville Western Australia.
Naive & Outsider Art
Tut's Whittle Wonders
Written with David Wood. Explores the work of Tut Ludby who whittles wood in the small town of Strahan in Tasmania.
Naive & Outsider Art
Stage Sets for Suburban Dramas
Photographs by Dianne Longley of domestic dwellings in and around Adelaide South Australia.
Naive & Outsider Art
The Dictionary of Australian Artists
Book review The Dictionary of Australian Artists: Painters, Sketchers, Photographers and Engravers to 1870 Edited by Joan Kerr Oxford University Press Melbourne RRP $200
Naive & Outsider Art
How to Hold a Festival in the Cook Islands
Make your moment in Pacific history and hang the cost. On 15 October 1992 Raratongans waited expectantly for their 2000 guests from 23 other Pacific countries to arrive for the 6th Pacific Festival of Arts.
Naive & Outsider Art
Book review Tivaevae: Portraits of Cook Island Quilting By Lynnsay Rongokea Photographs John Daley Published Daphne Brussell Assocs Press Wellington New Zealand
Naive & Outsider Art
Self, Image and the Gaze: Anna Platten
Exhibition review Works by Anna Platten: Paintings and Studies 1982 -1992 University of South Australia Art Museum 30 July - 29 August 1992
Naive & Outsider Art
A Room of Their Own
Exhibition review Contemporary jewellery at the Jam Factory Leslie Matthews "Inner Vane" 13 August - 13 September 1992 Cecelia Cmielewski 15 May - 5 June 1992 Jam Factory Adelaide South Australia
Naive & Outsider Art
Desire Caught by the Tail: Jyanni Steffenson
Exhibition review it (ca) speaks...it (ca) sucks. "i(t) too was drag(g)ed into this sub-plot" Installation by Jyanni Steffensen Experimental Art Foundation Adelaide South Australia 6 August - 6 September 1992
Naive & Outsider Art
Arcanum (Extracts from the Archives)
Exhibition review Union Gallery Adelaide University South Australia 19 August - 4 September 1992
Naive & Outsider Art
MFG: A Report on the First Eight Months of Greenaway Art Gallery
Review MFG: A report on the first eight months of Greenaway Art Gallery Opened in March 1992
Naive & Outsider Art
The O/S Experience
Rediscovery: Australian Artists in Europe 1982-1992 Universal Expo Seville June/July 1992 Curator Jonathon Holmes
Naive & Outsider Art
Reflections on Being: Being and Nothingness
Exhibition review Being and Nothingness Works by Bea Maddock Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery Launceston August 1992
Naive & Outsider Art
Parables of Criticism
Looks at the current issues in the art versus craft debate and the impact of post modern theories.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Toward a Typology of Small Objects
With increasing anxiety, we face searching questions of the viability, the integrity, the destiny of craft. In themselves, the questions are salutory and point to an intellectual vitality in craft culture, a vigour and toughness which have not existed since the Arts and Crafts Movement. Responses to the challenge vary from relish in the contradictions of craft practice to the old-fashioned despair for any debate whatsoever.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
The Floating Web
For centuries now, textiles and the skills required in their creation - spinning, weaving, embroidery, sewing, quilting - have been considered women's work, occupying them indoors while men engaged in more serious activities like warfare.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Why Craftwork Does Not Compute
Will the computers, mobile or immobile, take over craft work in the near or medium future? Are craftspeople doomed to the fate of the Indian hand loom weavers of the last century-- will their bones bleach the plains? The answer is........
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Craft, Science and the Natural: An Introduction
There seems to be a consensus that craft is in a state of crisis. But consensus or not, the observation of this alleged crisis is sterile if we do not place it against its background. Is this crisis unique to craft, or is it a manifestation of a more general crisis which extends across other cognate areas? If it is more general, does it nevertheless have special implications for craft?
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
The Watch, the Pen and the Biro
To demonstrate the extent to which our relationship to the objects we possess has changed, Kevin Murray recently gave a short impromptu performance during a recent lecture, systematically removing a number of possessions and apparel from his person.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
The Archaeological Metaphor: A Personal Excavation
Now as a much older woman with another career as an artist I have been reconsidering my experience in Museums, reconsidering the structures of archaeology which grid and measure the chaotic site.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Distant Lives/ Shared Voices
Written with Janis Jefferies. Discusses the 1992 artist initiated and organised international forum for tapestry weavers in Lodz Poland.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
The Reflections of a Taxidermist
I view my memories as a fragmented collage of life, constantly in review and abstracted through the shifting of time and place. Taking and putting together some of these fragments I recall how I became a taxidermist.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
After the Art/Craft debate: Critical Writing into the 1990s
Most writers and researchers in the visual arts and crafts would now consider the debate about the difference between art and craft to be an old chestnut whose day has well and truly gone. Refers to the debates between David Bromfield and Anne Brennan.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Touching Things Lightly: The Furniture of Kevin Perkins
Kevin Perkins and the Parish Church of St Thomas Acquinas, Charnwood ACT. A model for collaborative design. Consummate technical skills, the continuance of long-established traditions which focus on excellence and a fundamental reverence for the qualities of the materials are discussion points that are, at times, given minimal attention when the products of today's craftspeople and designer/makers are discussed.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Design Visions: International Exchange: Time for a Stocktake
Design Visions; The second Australian International Crafts Triennial on show at the Art Gallery of Western Australia in August September 1992 provided a chance for local viewers, historians, critics, artists, designers and 'craftspeople' to discuss and possibly take stock of our place in the international arena.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Jill Smith: Artist/ Designer in Industry
Looks at the ceramic practice of Jill Smith. It often happens when people with different views and areas of expertise are brought together to solve a problem that something new emerges.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
NSW Tafe: A Different Approach to Ceramics
It turned out that 95% of the symposiasts were blissfully unaware that, starting with the TAFEs, they are already in the era of funding allocation on the basis of conceptually incoherent doctrines of an 'arts industry' with about as much relevance to their interests as atonal music has to the board of BHP.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
The Crafts Come of Age
Book review The Crafts Movement in Australia: a history University of NSW Press $79.95
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
The Problem of Orthodoxy in Contemporary Glass
In her introductory notes to the exhibition 'Glass: Material in the service of meaning' the artist Ginny Ruffner comments on the current field of glass art as "being awash in objects, some beautiful, some ugly, most about glass itself - material as content."
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Making a Living: The Jam Factory
In May 1992, Stephanie Radok spoke to Frank McBride, Peter Tysoe, Stephen Bowers, David Adderton and Greg Healey about recent developments at the Jam Factory Craft and Design Centre in Adelaide, South Australia.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Two Countries, One Weave?
Written with Phillip (Piri) Everett Over the last year Tandanya (National Aboriginal Cutural Institute) has received much bad publicity but is carrying on and slowly and steadily making history. It opened in 1989 with celebrations featuring Ernabella Inma and Yothu Yindi. Includes photographs of indigenous women at weaving workshops in the South East of South Australia at Camp Coorong Cultural Centre.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Marketing from the Top End
Representatives from seven screenprint workshops in remote and indigenous Australia came together in March 1992 to attend a textile marketing forum in Darwin organised by Steve Anderson, co-ordinator of ANCAA (Association of Northern and Central Australian Aboriginal Artists).
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
From Italowie to Chambers Gorge - A New Tapestry
When travelling by car over long distances the landscape outside the window endlessly unfolds as a field of subtly carying colour and texture punctuated by the irregular rhythm of straggling trees and bushes.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Margaret Kirkwood, craft practitioner from NSW and active in the Craft Council within her State, writes her prediction for the future of crafts in Australia.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
David Walker, craft practitioner from Western Australia and active in the Craft Council within his State, writes his prediction for the future of crafts in Australia.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Marion Marshall,craft practitioner from Victoria, and active in the Craft Council within her State, writes her prediction for the future of crafts in Australia.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
4 Jewellery Co-operatives: On Staying in the Black: Fluxus
Looks at the workshop Fluxus in Dunedin in New Zealand, formed by Kobi Bosshard and Stephen Mulqueen in 1983.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Helmut Lueckenhausen, craft practitioner from NSW and active in the Craft Council within his State, writes his prediction for the future of crafts in Australia.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
4 Jewellery Co-operatives: On Staying in the Black: Fingers
Looks at the Jewellery Co-operative Fingers formed in 1976 in Auckland New Zealand. Fingers sells the work of 30 New Zealand jewellers with a managment partnership of 6 to 8 practising jewellers. The rest sell on consignment basis.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
4 Jewellery Co-operatives: Ipso Factory Company
Ipso Facto Company formed in 1984 by 5 ex-students from the Sydney College of the Arts.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
4 Jewellery Co-operatives: Gray Street Workshop
Looks at the workshop Gray Street, Adelaide, South Australia.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
The Western Way - Linney's, Argenta and Others
Western Australia has a tradition of artist/craftspeople with studio - gallery -shops.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Yurundiali - Reasons for Optimism
The predominant group in Moree (outback New South Wales) are the Gomilleroi people who are considered the most cohesive moiety group in Australia. Looks at the indigenous artists co-operative Yurundiali which is marketing its screen print designs.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Screenprinting the Tiwi Way: An Element of Spontaneity
It is not accidentatl that amongst the Tiwis of Bathurst and Melville Islands, fabric printing has become such a significant craft form. Of all indigenous Australian cultures the Tiwis historically have perhaps the richest tradition of body painting.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
The Hermannsburg Potters
The Arrernte people from Hermannsburg a former Lutheran mission about 130 km west of Alice Springs in Central Australia are generally known for their Namatjira style watercolour paintings. Now they are making ceramics.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Semiotically Speaking: A Craftperson's View
One need not restrict this semiotic approach to an analysis of the objects of fashion given that the major role adopted by craftspeople in contemporary times is that of drawing attention to otherwise ordinary objects and processes by remaking them in a mode other than mass production.
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Tim Burns - Paintings and Drawings
Exhibition review Cape Bruny Winter 1990 - 1991 Paintings and Drawings by Tim Burns Dick Bett Gallery Hobart Tasmania 7 - 26 May 1992
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Tasdance in Silk
Exhibition review Greg Leong Launceston Country Club Tasmania
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Anne Newmarch - Superimpositions
Exhibition review Superimposition Ann Newmarch Prospect Gallery Adelaide South Australia 23 February - 22 March 1992
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
...But Never by Chance..., Skin and From Women
Exhibition review ...but never by chance (eroticism) editor/curator Linda Marie Walker Exhibitors Jennifer Hamilton, Melanie Howard, Bronia Iwanczak, Sheridan Kennedy, Rosemary Laing, Rosslund Piggott, Carol Rudyard Skin Curators Annette Bezor, Julianne Pierce, Exhibitors Maria Kozic, Jan Nelson, Sally Smart, Josie Starrs Contemporary Art Centre Adelaide South Australia May 1 - 31 1992 From Women Curator Vivonne Thwaites Exhibitors Maria Cruz, Michele Elliot, Nicole Page-Smith, Lucia Tancredi Artspace Adelaide Festival Centre 10 April - 23 May 1992
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Hossein Valamanesh Recent Work
Exhibition review Hossein Valamanesh: Recent Work Greenaway Gallery Adelaide South Australia 3 May - 3 June 1992
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Contemporary Gipsland Artists
Exhibition review Contemporary Gippsland Artists A touring exhibition initiated by the LaTrobe Valley Arts Centre Morwell Victoria University of South Australia Art Museum 9 April - 8 May 1992
Thinking Craft, Crafting Thought
Mom's Long Arms: The Art Institution Reaches Out
Art and Design Education A letter from Noel Sheridan to the editor Stephanie Britton. One of the main reasons for coming to Perth (Western Australia) was to get away from art education...
Art & Education
Art and Design Education For 2 years now, being busy about other things, I have not thought much about art education; and this abstinence seems not to have been injurious to anybody. But the thing nags. It ought to be possible to say something so manifestly enlightened and reasonable about art education that every rational person will agree and productive action will follow as the night follows the day.
Art & Education
The Balloon Man Cometh: A Salutary Tale
Art and Design Education A brief overview of the Australian Art and Design School phenomena today suggests that, given that educational philosophies are couched in the language of diversity, they still appear to be dominated by a referential and almost umbilical attachment to the early moderns...
Art & Education
Art Schools Academe 2001
Art and Design Education By what criteria do we judge the success of visual arts courses?
Art & Education
Crisis in Queensland
Art and Design Education The Queensland College of Art and its dubious future.
Art & Education
Amalgamation chaos at College of Art
Art and Design Education A student view See also article by Effemera Phaxx in this issue of Artlink.
Art & Education
Aboriginal and Islander Art Course: More than survival
Art and Design Education Written with Penryhn Henderson Discusses the Associate Diploma of Art (Aborigine and Torres Strait Islander) being offered at the Cairns College of TAFE in Far North Queensland and now in its 8th year.
Art & Education
More Exotic More Humane: World Music
Art and Design Education at the Victoria College of Arts.
Art & Education
Computer Art: Critical issues in teaching
Art and Design Education In attempting to teach something called computer art, we inherit our critical base from art history and another from engineering. Not only are these traditionally at odds with each other, but neither of them, nor a combination of the two, are adequate for our historical moment.
Art & Education
Mini-theories? Film and Video Education
Art and Design Education It would be beneficial for the educational sector to look at an integration with the low-budget, grass roots end of existing film practice and make links with other film makers and independent festivals both nationally and internationally that are responsive to the work.
Art & Education
From Solving to Setting Problems: Project-based Design Education
Art and Design Education The strength and vitality of post secondary design education programs in Australia arguably derives from the established tradition of project based learning.
Art & Education
Freemasonry or Free Interchange?
Art and Design Education A new model for training architects and designers.
Art & Education
Government Help Available
Art and Design Education Looks at the various government schemes which are available to art and design graduates and undergraduates.
Art & Education
Rites of Passage - Queensland Mergers
Looks at the Brisbane College of Advanced Education's art programmes more popularly known as the Kelvin Grove Art School and the Carseldine expressive arts department who joined forces in May 1990 on the occasion of the amagamation of B C A E with the larger entity of Queensland University of Technology.
Art & Education
A Sociology of Art... Why Does Art Look (or Sound) Like it Does?
Analytical perceptions for a new century. The artist - the creative thinker. The mechanics of thinking. Rational and irrational mechanics of thinking. Aesthetics and sociology - the conjugal relationship etc The critics best friend or friends must necessarily be the artist!
Art & Education
Modernism and Post Modernism in Asian Art
Review of conference at the Australian National University Canberra, 22 -25 March 1991. Organised by the Humanities Research Centre and the Department of Art History ANU.
Art & Education
ACCA the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art affiliates with Monash University.
Art & Education
Learning to be Naive
Review of works of Malcolm Otton at the Naive Galleries Woolhara NSW
Art & Education
Problems with Art Publishing in Australia
Art writing and payment to writers and how this influences who writes for what!
Art & Education
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