Future Issues

Artlink publishes three thematic magazines (in print and digital formats) each year which are responsive to current art world topics and big ideas.

Issue 44:2 | Wirltuti / Spring (August–November 2024)
Regional Style

How has the digitally enabled art world and revised ‘centre-periphery’ debates cut through to regional communities within our global panorama? What are the tangible outcomes of collaborative exchanges, peer-mentorships and arts festivals? How have recent changes in funding models impacted regional art ecosystems, including public galleries, collective studios and art schools? This issue invites discussion on what a ‘critical art practice’ means in the ‘the regions', and highlights the challenges and rewards of thinking and working 'regionally'.

Issue 44:3 Warltati / Summer (December 2024–March 2025)

What can Artlink offer a new generation of critics, artists, curators and readers? Guest edited by a team of emerging arts thinkers, this issue will invite contributors under 30 to create and shape content with propositions as radical–or as retro–as their visions might be. Where might the tension points and opportunities lie, and what kind of arts spaces and systems do our future cultural leaders and producers imagine? 

Bendigo Art Gallery NAVA Samstag